Page 65 of Finn

Suddenly, rolling me back on top of him in a straddling position, he replaces my hand with his and taunts my pussy with his cock, rubbing the head on my clit over and over until I’m gasping and groaning and calling out, “Finn!”

He keeps that up until I fall over the edge, with him holding me up with his free arm.

I’m ready to throw caution to the wind and just slide down onto him. I mean, we talked a long time ago about both of us having been given a clean sexual bill of health.

But I’m not on contraception.

Finn must be thinking the same thing, ’cause he holds me in place and says, “Hold on a minute. I have condoms in the nightstand.”

I move aside so he can reach down and grab one.

After slipping it on, he rolls on top of me and settles between my legs.

“Sammie, my beautiful Sammie.” He smoothes back my hair and kisses my forehead. “I love you so fucking much that it literally hurts sometimes.”

“Finn…” I swallow a lump that forms in my throat, knowing I really am loved by this man.

With his eyes meeting mine, he says in a serious tone, “I want us to be a couple, Sammie. This is not going to be a one-and-done thing like last time.”

I nod. “No, I agree. I want that too. I love you, Finn, with all of my heart. Even in the beginning, there was always something there. That’s why I agreed to be friends. I just couldn’t let you go.”

“So don’t, and I will never let you go either, babe.”

His lips crash down to mine, and our bodies become what our hearts and souls already are—joined.


I’m careful with Sammie the first time we’re together. I know her heart is still fragile with all that she revealed, so I love her slowly and passionately and with all the emotion I feel for her in my heart.

In the morning, though, we just straight-up fuck.

Sometimes that can bring healing too.

With how Sammie is singing joyfully in the shower right now, I think it was rejuvenating.

No, I know it was.

That makes me smile as I stretch and sit up in bed, propping up the pillows behind me so I can lean back.

When Sammie emerges from the bathroom in black leggings and a gray sweatshirt, I’m surprised. “Hey, when did you have a chance to grab clean clothes?” I glance at where her outfit from last night was piled high on the chair and say, “I see your sweater and jeans are gone too.”

“That’s right,” she replies with a smug smile as she combs her fingers through her long, damp hair. “I ran to my bedroom before you woke up and brought back some stuff.”

“Ahh, got it.”

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she places her hand on my comforter-covered thigh. “I’m going to go downstairs andmake us a big, delicious breakfast. I don’t know about you, but I’m famished.”

I snort. “Hell, I’m fucking starving too.” I then put on my sweetest smile and ask, “Can you make some of those awesome scrambled eggs?”

Laughing, she taps my leg before standing up. “Of course. After you’re done showering, come on down. Everything should be ready by then.”

My stomach rumbles at the prospect of good food, and I reply, “You got it.”

A short while later, I’m pounding down scrambled eggs that taste even better than the last time Sammie made them.

I tell her as much, and, sitting across the table from me, she waves her hand and pshaws. “Aww, you’re just hungry.”

That is true. I’ve also devoured a good portion of bacon, hash browns, and three pieces of toast.