I don’t say a word, though, about what I want.
I want toshowhim.
First, though, I tell him I’m going to run to his bathroom. I’d like to brush my teeth, even if it is just with my finger since my toothbrush is in my bathroom, and wash my face.
After I take care of those things, I come back out.
Finn is standing by the bed in his boxer briefs, lowering the covers.
Wow, seeing him with so few clothes on is a sight. I’ve forgotten what an absolutely amazing body he has, so lean and strong. Or maybe I’ve just tried to make myself not focus on it.
Yeah, that’s probably the more accurate statement.
When Finn notices me staring at him and biting my lip, he misunderstands and says, “Um, I can put my shirt back on if you want. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
I wave my hand. “No, no, you’re fine.”
And is he ever.
“Uh, I’m going to run into the bathroom for a minute too,” he says.
It’s kind of cute.
He seems so nervous.
I nod. “All right.”
Once he’s out of the room, I quickly take off all my clothes. I fold and place everything on a chair by the door, then slide into bed, under the covers that I pull up to my neck.
I’m just in time, too, as Finn opens the bathroom door and steps back into the bedroom.
When he pulls back the covers to get in, he gasps, “Holy fuck, Sammie.”
Snickering, I say, “Are you going to get in here with me or not?”
He snorts. “Hell, what do you think?”
In a flash, he’s in the bed with me.
He reaches to turn off the lamp, but I say, “No, leave it on. I want to see.”
I roll halfway on top of him, my breasts pressing into his hard chest, and he moans, “Fuck, so do I.”
Snapping the waistband of his boxer briefs, I tell him, “These have to go.”
“You got it.”
He lifts up, and I roll off of him and onto my side. I then watch hungrily as he shimmies his boxers off and tosses them aside.
He’s already so fucking hard, so I reach over and start stroking him. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this again?” I ask.
He lifts his head and raises a brow. “You have? How long?”
“Forever,” I admit. “Since that night. I never stopped wanting you again, Finn,” I confess as I stroke him up and down, curving my palm over the head of his cock. “I fantasized about you so damn much.”
“Wow. I can’t believe it.” Leaning back his head and closing his eyes, he murmurs, “You’ve been the fucking star of my fantasies ever since that night.”
Smiling, I lean over and press my lips to his.