Page 17 of Finn

It is nice.

Very nice.


“Uh-huh,” I mutter as I pull away reluctantly and quickly scoot back down to where I was. “Umm…”

Damn, I can’t look at Finn again, not yet. Like we didn’t just have a moment here.

To get back to the game, I say in rapid succession, “It’s your turn. So, what’ll it be? Truth or dare?”

He blows out a breath as I stare at the two bottles of beer still on the coffee table, ones that we haven’t touched yet.

Truth is, I don’t want any more alcohol. I’m buzzed enough. Not just from the earlier drinks or the more recent shot and beer, but from how absolutely amazing it felt to be in Finn’s arms.

I don’t have time to think about it, though, seeing as the next thing I know, Finn is sliding down the sofa toward me.

Wait, what?

In the blink of an eye, he’s next to me.

And just like before, I won’t look at him.

I can’t.

I just stare at his chest.

Softly, oh-so-softly, he says, “Sammie,” as he turns me to him and lifts my chin. I have no choice but to meet his gaze now. And I like it. With his green eyes questioning, he asks quietly, “What are we doing here?”

I swallow hard and squeak out, “Playing a game of Truth or Dare?”

“Yeah, well, we don’t need a game for that. Not anymore. In fact, I have a truth for you right now.”

“What’s that?” I whisper, because really, I have no more breath left in me for more than that.

Having Finn so close to me again, feeling his warmth, his strength, and just the manliness of him, is almost too much. It’s been so long since I’ve been this close to any guy, especially one I’m this attracted to.

In a husky voice, he says, “My truth is that I’ve never wanted to kiss anyone as much as I do right the fuck now.”

Oh, hell, there goes any last bit of resistance or conflict I had left.

My head is done making the rules tonight.

I’m going to give in to what my body so very much wants—Finn.

Damn, I am finally and truly “letting go.”

And it has never feltsogood.


No more games. After holding Sammie in my arms, I want just one more thing—to kiss those soft, full lips of hers.

I have to let her know, so I slide down the sofa till I’m right next to her.

But now she won’t meet my questioning gaze. She’s somewhat turned to me, but she’s staring at my T-shirt-clad chest.

“Sammie,” I say softly as I turn her more fully to me and lift her chin so she has to look at me. “What are we doing here?”