I think about texting her again, but I know in my heart that she’s not going to answer.
I have to go see her in person.
It’s the only way.
I don’t have her address, but I know where she works—both places. I’m going to wait until this evening, though. I’ll try Applebee’s first, then hit up Boots.
Even if she isn’t working the first shift—which I suspect she isn’t since she never mentioned going in to work early—she’ll hopefully be working evening hours at one place or the other.
I want to talk, but I should also have a backup reason for showing up at her workplaces, a cover of sorts as to why I’m there.
Sighing, I kick my feet up on to the coffee table and lean back to think about it. That’s when I feel something scratchy beneath my bare heel.
Putting my feet back down, I lean forward and discover Sammie’s black elastic hair tie, the one she had in her hair last night.
Ahh, so she did miss something in her apparent haste to get out of my house.
Now I have a reason to look for her later.
I’ll give her back her hair tie, and she can give me some answers.
Iwasn’t supposed to have to work at either of my jobs tonight, but Barb, my boss at Applebee’s, called in a panic. She had a last-minute callout and needed someone to fill the shift. She knows I’m reliable and willing to help out anytime I can, so of course I said I’d come in.
I figured in addition to filling the shift for Barb, it’d be a good way to not think about last night.
But to my dismay that’s pretty much all that’s been on my mind all freaking day. From the moment I left Finn’s place to the second I stepped into my townhouse, he and the night we shared occupied all the space in my mind.
It didn’t help that I could still smell him and the amazing sex we had on my body.
Hell, I could stillfeelhis touch, like his hands had branded me.
I liked that entirely too much.
So I raced to the bathroom to clean off every last vestige of what happened last night. But even after showering—twice—my body still craves Finn.
My damn traitorous mind does too.
I like the guy.
I can’t help it.
And because of that, I wish we could get to know each other even better.
But we can’t.
That’s why I ignored the text he sent this morning. Oh, I saw it. I also read it about a dozen times, like it was a freaking declaration of love or something.
It wasn’t, of course. Finn just wanted to know if everything was okay.
Ha, okay?
It is not.
And it never will be with me.