“Proud boyfriend of a spicy romance author,” I read out loud, covering my mouth when I start laughing. “You even ordered a shirt for today?”
“Fucking right, I did.” He nods proudly. “I ordered you one too.” He pulls his hand from behind his back and holds a shirt out to me. “Extra corny too. And, no, get your mind out of the gutter, Boston. I didn’t say horny.”
Taking the shirt, I hold it up. “I make stuff up,” I read the words on the shirt with a picture of a typewriter under them. “I love it. You’re too good to me.”
Wrapping my arms around his waist, I tilt my chin up. “What did I ever do to deserve you, Logan Sterns?”
Bending his head down, he hovers his lips over mine. “Well, it doesn’t hurt that you’re a dirty, dirty girl. You know, because of those filthy books of yours.”
“Those books have gotten ten times filthier since you came into my life,” I point out. “The one I just started working on? Pure. Smut.”
“Oh, yeah?” he murmurs, his deep voice low and raspy. “Did the boat scene make it in?”
A few weeks ago, when Amelia was with Logan’s dad for the night, we went out on the new boat Logan got. Let’s just say … the other Sunday boaters got more than they bargained for that day.
I widen my eyes, pulling my lips to the side playfully. “You’ll never know.”
“Oh, I will,” he says matter-of-factly. “I plan to read all of them, Boston. You know, to see where I need to improve and all.”
“Maybe you can make a spreadsheet,” I say, making fun of myself because I love spreadsheets and Logan knows that.
“The wordspreadsheetsends a shock right to my cock because of you, babe.” He presses a quick kiss to my lips. “Are you excited for the signing coming up in Boston? Back to your old stomping grounds.”
Anxiety brews in my gut, but I try to push it down because it’s not the time to worry today. “I am. I’m always happy to see my readers. But it’s been so long since I’ve attended a signing. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous.”
“Of what?”
“Of getting there and no one coming to my table. I mean, I’ve been out of the game for a while.” I cringe but force myself to laugh through it. “And Holly can’t make it because her daughter has a school function—which I totally understand and I would never want her to miss that for me. But … it’s just me, and I still need to find an assistant.” I force myself to stop talking. “You know what? It doesn’t matter. The signing isn’t for two more weeks. Today, I’m just going to enjoy this party my hot boyfriend put on for me.”
“I am pretty hot,” he says, agreeing. “Hey … I’d have to make it a day trip, but what if I was your assistant? I mean, I’ll be honest with you; I’ll probably make shit harder than easier because I don’t have a fucking clue what I’m doing, but I’ll provide the muscles to carry shit and keep you fed and hydrated all day.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “And if you need a quickie in the bathroom, I’d be happy to tend to that need too.”
I stare up at him, frowning. “Logan … this is a big event. With, like, thousands of readers. And a lot of them are going to freak out to meet you.”
“Babe, the event is about you. And the last thing I’d want to do is take the attention off of you. I just … want to make sure you know I’d love to help if you need me.”
“I’m not worried about you stealing attention, Logan. I just …” I pause, swallowing. “Gavin didn’t even want to see pictures when I went to signings. He said they were a waste of time and money. When I got home, he wouldn’t even ask me how it went.” I shrug. “So, the fact that you’d even offer to go … it’s crazy to me.”
“Boston, hearing he didn’t want to go and watch his woman absolutely slay her career and be in her element is fucking insane to me.” He cups my cheek. “I could listen to you talk about writing and your stories for hours and not get bored. Your eyes light up, and there’s no mistaking the excitement in your voice.” He leans closer, kissing my cheek. “I can’t wait to stand beside you at this thing.”
“Really?” I whisper, burying my face in his chest. “I used to think I had bad karma, but you are proof, Logan Sterns, that the universe doesn’t hate me.”
“Did you just wipe your tears on my sweet new T-shirt?” he says as I pull my face away from the material, grinning.
“I’ll let you get away with it, but it’ll cost you a spanking. Maybe two.” He winks, bringing his lips to mine. “All right, babe. Time for you to go mingle. Yourfavoritething to do.”
I roll my eyes but giggle because he knows I am the furthest thing from someone who enjoys crowds and mingling. But luckily, everyone here today is someone I love with my whole heart.
“I love you, book boyfriend.” I stand on my tiptoes, brushing my lips against his.
“I love you more, my very sexy, incredibly talented author girlfriend. Turns me on how fucking smart and successful you are.” Suddenly, he looks nervous. “I do have one more thing for you.”
I frown because … what else could this man do for me today? He’s already done so much. Before I can ask any questions, he reaches into his pocket. When he pulls out my dad’s watch that was stolen from my apartment, tears flood my eyes.
“Logan,” I say, inhaling sharply as I cover my mouth. “How did you get this back?”
He gives me a small, genuine grin. “Let’s just say, sometimes, it’s good to know the right people.” He pulls my hand down, setting the watch in my palm. “I knew how much it meant to you. I couldn’tnotget it back.”