Page 28 of Tell Me Lies

After we just spent the past few days together and I felt like we had gotten close, Maci didn’t even text me to let me know.

“Jesus Christ, I knew I should have fucking gone in!” I drag my hand through my hair, peeking in at Amelia as she sleeps soundly. She fell asleep forty-five minutes before we got back to Portland and is still sleeping. “Can you come over here and keep an eye on Amy? I want to go over there.”

“Yeah, of course,” Poppy answers. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I pace around, hating myself for not just going in when I dropped her off. I would have, but Amelia was asleep, and I didn’t want to leave her. Now, I wish I’d just woken her up.

I want to call her, but Poppy assured me she’s fine, and I don’t want to add to her stress. And I know she must be stressed out; this is a huge fucking deal. Instead of calling, I impatiently wait for Poppy to arrive so that I can go over and see for myself that she’s all right.

When I arrive, the police are walking out of her apartment. One of them hands her a card and tells her to give him a call if she needs anything. Slowly, the three men walk toward the exit. She stands in the open doorway, spotting me immediately and giving me a confused look. Her face is paler than usual, and she looks a bit frazzled.

“Holy shit, that was Logan Sterns,” one officer mutters to another one after they make it past me.

“I should ask him for his—” the other one starts to say.

The youngest-looking one of the three cuts him off, “No. Don’t even say it, Bobby. Do not ask that man for his autograph. For all we know, he could be going to see the victim.”

“Logan,” she says, frowning. “What are you doing here? I’m not due at your place for a few hours.”

Stopping in front of her, I lean against the doorframe just as she steps farther into the apartment. “I heard what happened. Just needed to make sure you’re all right.” I reach out, touching her arm with my fingertips. “Sorry that I didn’t walk you in. I should have.”

“Stop,” she whispers, giving me a tiny smile as she shakes her head. “You had a sleeping child in the car. One who was extremely tuckered out from the insanely fun weekend we had.”

It’s like she can’t be serious with me right now. It had to suck, getting her apartment broken into and shit. I look over her head and see the mess they left behind, and my heart physically hurts. This girl lost her dad a few years ago, and now, this?

“I could kill whatever scum of the earth did this,” I growl lowly as I step around her and look around. “Where’s Clyde?”

She gently closes the door behind me, folding her arms over her chest. “He’s over at my neighbor’s. I didn’t want him here when the police came. Sometimes, men make him a tad nervous.”

“He loves me. I’m a man,” I point out.

“Eh, well, perhaps you aren’t manly enough.” She raises a brow, smirking, though I can tell by the look on her face that today has been exhausting for her.

“I’m the manliest,” I say matter-of-factly. “Clyde knows a real man when he sees one. That’s what’s really up.”

“Oh, okay. That’s it, huh?” She shakes her head before she gazes around, and her face immediately falls.

Stepping toward her, I hold my arms out and wrap them around her frame. She’s certainly not tall, but she also isn’t overly thin. She’s soft, and truthfully … that’s sexy to me.

“What are you doing?” she mutters, her body stiffening beneath my hold.

I continue to hug her, pulling her body to my chest. “Just thought you could use a hug—that’s all.”

It takes a moment, but finally, she relaxes. “Thanks,” she whispers. “I … I guess I sort of do. It’s been a weird day. That’s for sure.”

“I want you to come stay with us for a while. I don’t want you to be here alone, especially not until they figure out who did this.” The words come out quickly, and I squeeze my eyes shut, preparing for her to tell me absolutely not.

The girl would rather wake up at five in the morning and drive to my place than just spend the night in my guest room. She’s independent, and I like that. In fact, I find it charming. But right now, she doesn’t have a choice. She’s coming to stay with me until the police figure out who did this.

My words drive a wedge between us, and suddenly, she’s stepping backward from my hold.

She looks up at me, her eyes harder than usual. “Uh, no, Logan. That’s … it’s really okay. I’m not worried. The police said it was likely an isolated thing. They got what they wanted and probably won’t hit the same place twice.”

“What if they do?” I snap, unable to help myself.

The thought of Maci in this apartment, alone, after this happened is stressing me the fuck out. And if I’m being honest with myself, I don’t think it’s just because she’s my kid’s nanny. But because maybe, just maybe, I’ve grown pretty damn fond of her.

“And what did they take? What if they couldn’t carry everything they wanted and plan to come back?” I continue to rattle off what-ifs to her, knowing it isn’t right. This is her decision to make, but my fucking God, I just wish she’d make the decision that wouldn’t make me go completely insane.