Page 73 of Tell Me Lies

“Shh,” he says, moving one hand so that his thumb swipes away the wetness on my cheek. “Baby, you are the furthest thing from a monster—do you hear me?” He presses his forehead to mine. “You lost your father and had to survive something that must have been the worst day of your life. You, Maci McKenzie, are a survivor. And you’re strong, kind, smart, and talented.”

I squeeze my eyes shut as my face grows soaked from my tears.

“And the truth is, I don’t just love you, Boston. I’m in love with you. And every single time I watch you with my daughter, hear you laugh, listen to you talk about a plan for two weeks from now just because you need to organize every single detail ahead of time, or watch you write … that love only grows.” He presses his lips to mine, pulling my body against his. “I get that the thing that ties us all together is complicated and fucking messy, but you know what? That’s okay. Amelia loves you. And I truly believe that one day, if or when she learns the truth, she might be angry or upset for a little while, but she’ll always remember that you love her. And for that, she could never hate you forever. I promise you that.”

“I just worry that me being around will cause her more harm than good,” I whimper. “I’d never want to do that.”

“You won’t,” he whispers against my lips. “We will always figure it out.But we’re going to do ittogether. You and me. Side by side.”

I stare into his eyes, speaking the truth. “I’m so scared that I’m dreaming right now. And when I wake up … you’ll be back to hating me.”

“It’s not a dream, baby. I’d prove it to you, but I don’t want to pinch you—unless you’re into that?” he jokes before growing serious again. “I could never hate you, Boston. You’re one of my favorite people on this entire planet.”

This time, it’s me kissing him. Our mouths collide, and our tongues tangle as we kiss until we’re starving for air. It feels like we haven’t kissed in a lifetime, like I’ve waited forever for this. When, really, it hasn’t even been a day.

Pulling back slightly, I try to catch my breath. “Amelia … we should go back,” I whisper. “I don’t want her to wake up and us not be there.”

“And that right there is what I love about you most. You’re always putting Amelia before yourself. It shows how much you truly love her.” Kissing me once more, he grips my chin. “We’ll finish this later, Boston. That’s a promise.” When he brings his mouth to my ear, I feel the stubble on his face. “I won’t pinch you, but I’ll spank you.”

Even though it’s not the time for it, my body reacts to his dirty promises and fiery touch, just the way it always does. Desperately. But still, I force myself to keep it together and compose myself.

Hand in hand, we walk back toward Amelia’s room. A few months ago, I never would have imagined caring for a young child while they were sick. In fact, I’m pretty sure if someone gave me the option, I probably would have saidhell nobecause I, myself, would have been nervous about catching the germs and wouldn’t have wanted to risk getting sick. And yet now, after truly, honestly getting to know Logan and Amelia Sterns … I’d throw myself in front of a bullet for that kid.

Her dad too.

Once we’re back in the room and the nurse leaves, we each take a seat in the chairs, and Logan runs his hand over the top of my head.

“Do you forgive me, Boston?” he rasps, his eyes looking lost.

“For what?” I say, confused.

“For the way I spoke to you earlier.” He looks mortified. “I’m so, so fucking sorry. I’m ashamed of myself.”

Cupping his cheek, I bring my nose to his and close my eyes. I breathe him in, pressing my forehead to his. “I forgive you.”

For years, I was engaged to a man who refused to apologize, even when he was clearly in the wrong. He spent his days belittling me and making me feel like I wasn’t worthy. All because he was jealous of my career and loved to exploit my flaws.

I pull back, looking at Logan Sterns, and I can’t get over one thing … this is real life. And he is a real human. Not a book boyfriend that my mind created to travel far away.

And best of all, he’s mine.

“You happy to be headed home, sweetie?” I ask Amelia before shrugging. “Because if not, we can probably extend our stay a few more days. Margie, that old lady in the cafeteria, reeeeally likes your daddy. She could hook us up, I bet.”

“No, Daddy!”

She giggles, holding a stuffed bullmastiff. Kolt brought it for her after he FaceTimed with her a few days ago and she told him she was missing Clyde. I almost turned that fucker into a service dog just so he could come see her. Lucky for him, he’s bounced between Kolt’s and Tripp’s houses the past week and undoubtedly gained a few pounds from the amount of treats he’s been given.

“Yeah, you’re right.” I nod. “Six days is enough. I’ll just have to let Margie down easy. Besides, they say distance makes the heart grow fonder, right?”

“You’re still talking about your new flame, Marg, I see,” Maci mutters, walking into the room and trying to fight off the grin on her face.

“What can I say? Our love burns deep.” I wink. “And Daddy’s still got it.”

“She’s, like, eighty,” she tosses back, widening her eyes.

Leaning against the wall, I shake my head. “Well, Maci, what can I say? Age is just a number.”

Scrunching her nose up, she looks at Amelia, who is desperately trying to bring all the shit my teammates and family have sent her in her tiny arms.