“And just what do you think we’re going to do?” I asked, in my most ominous voice.
“Sylas,” Mina briefly reprimanded, then returned her attention to Nolan. “Who’s they?”
“The rest of the wolves!” he said, sounding exasperated.
“You know I never bothered with any of that bullshit,” she said with a snort. “Here’s what I think, Nolan. I think your dear old alumni association used you as bait. Because they were watching you, and they followed you, but they’re not here to save you, so I think they’ve cut you off for good.”
I was so pleased that Mina’d come to the same conclusions I had about his predicament that I almost missed her next sentence.
“Whereas I just might be inclined to make my boyfriend here give you a second chance.”
I was surprised into stillness, all over again. “I am your boyfriend?”
Mina looked over her shoulder at me and beamed. “Well, I wasn’t going to fuck anyone else in the next few days. Were you?”
“Absolutely not.”
And probably never again.
“Okay, then,” she said with a laugh, then turned back to her classmate. “So save yourself here, Nolan. I’m in a good mood right now, don’t ruin it.”
“But I want to kill him,” I said, inserting myself in their conversation. And after learning what he’d done to Mina. “He doesn’t deserve to live.”
“Yes, but I still love Ella more than I want sheer revenge,” Mina explained, without taking her eyes off of him. “I want to know how everything works. But if there’s no more information forthcoming,” she said, and I took an eager step forward.
“It’s all for the Golden Wolf,” Nolan said, deciding that helping—and possibly living—was the easier path. “You saw it when you were down there.” He sniffled, and then reached up with his hand that still had intact fingers, to pull the collar of his T-shirt down and show off a wolf head design imprinted on his chest.
“Yeah, I’m well aware you all give each other shitty tattoos,” Mina said, completely unimpressed.
“It’s not just a symbol! It’s magic! We sacrifice the girls to him, and we get powers!”
Mina made a disgusted sound. “Why is it always girls? Why can’t you sacrifice carrots? Or, I don’t know, other dudes?” she asked, as Nolan gave her a traumatized look.
“It’s how it’s always been!”
“Oh, donottell me any of your ancient fucking Knights Templar bullshit. You’re a fraternity, not a videogame.”
“We’re ancient!” the boy protested.
“Hardly,” she said, then began rubbing her own temples. “Just so I’m clear though—your whole frat’s in on this? How many people do I need to kill here?”
I watched Nolan suffer with the realization that he was a coward, before fessing up. “No—only some of the guys, every few years. We get picked by the outgoing upper classmen, we step up, and as longas no one fucks shit up for us like you did, everyone else relies on trickle down. Bros before hoes and all that—we get each other jobs, cosign loans, that sort of thing.”
“And Ella?” Mina pressed.
“I don’t know. No one’s ever tried to save one of the girls before—she’s in the wolf’s mouth now, whether you like it or not—there’s no getting out.”
Mina grimaced. “I guess you get honesty points for telling me shit I do not want to hear. Then again, you’re not half so lucky as you should be, right now, are you? Maybe us killing Logan fucked shit up.” Nolan’s expression changed, and Mina pounced. “They didn’t tell you? You honestly thought it was a car accident too?” She came perilously close to the edge of the cage I had him trapped in. “So who’s in charge of this year’s class?”
“Who do you think? Trent, of course,” he spat, and Mina’s nostrils flared, then she stood casually and made a show of popping her back. “So? Can I go home now?” Nolan asked her.
“Huh?” Mina asked, like she hadn’t known he’d been waiting for this moment—and I watched her gut his hope like a fish. “Oh, no—I fuckin’ lied. Baby, he’s yours,” she said, turning her head back to me.
“Baby?” I repeated, stunned by her word choice.
She caught my face between her hands, and rose up on her toes to briefly kiss me. “Just trying it on,” she said, with a wicked smile. “Go get him...king.”
I touched every piece of her body as I flowed around her to go do so at once.