Page 20 of Her Wolves

I studied the stars along with her.Things had been quiet since the attack of the mantis vipers, but that wasn’t going to last.Somewhere out there, the Soorns had to be watching, and communicating with whoever of their kind was skulking around on this planet, probably right under our noses.Tara and I, with Lon and Nick, had been enjoying a brief respite, a little reprieve.But it wouldn’t last.Probably soon, we’d have to deal head-on with what we were there to protect her from.



Canis Guards are early risers by training and necessity.Canis Guards who happen to be sharing the bed of the person that they’re assigned to be personally guarding rise even earlier than they’re trained to do.

About an hour and a half before they were scheduled to be up, Kris, Nick, and Lon were “up” in more than one sense of the word.We were all lying in my bed, Nick right next to me, Kris beside him, Lon on the other side of me.Following protocol, Nick, the first one in order, nudged me out of sleep.I stirred awake with bleary eyes under the soft glow of my bed canopy and remembered how I’d spent the night and who else was occupying my bed.There’s nothing like waking up with three incredibly hot, naked lycanthrope guys with seemingly tireless libidos to get a girl awake, first thing in the morning.Or the wee hours before dawn, as the case may be.

They skipped the formality of foreplay, not even wanting me to go down on their morning wood, and got right to work.First it was Nick, kissing me to full alertness and putting me on my back.He slid his length and hardness right into me and got right to work.He humped and penetrated me with all his athletic prowess and stamina, making me breathless in the canopy light as the first rays of pre-dawn began to filter into the room.These guys never did quickies, but while Nick took his time, he also took care to leave time for the other two to have their turn.At the end of his bout of thrusting, he had me nearly at the precipice of my pleasure and his body shook with his creamy release inside me.Where he would continue to fuck meuntil his erection was spent, he pulled out, grunting softly, and climbed out of bed and excused himself to the bathroom.With Nick finished, it was Lon’s turn.

As I heard the sound of water running in the bath, Lon had himself on top of me and between my thighs straight away, giving me an immediate surge of new pleasure while I was still fully aroused and excited from being under Nick.He plunged his dick in and out of me with hard, quick strokes, bringing short and impassioned little moans from me in response to his energetic strokes.He put steamy kisses on my lips and love bites on my neck as he drilled my pussy, fast and deeply.My moans turned to gasps of growing pleasure; I clutched at his shoulder and his back.He speeded up his fucking, bombarding me with hard slams against my mound and driving himself into me with delicious force, until once again I was almost “there” and his wet, sticky outpouring burst inside me.

He cursed and wished he could prolong things, but he kissed me one last time and pulled out, leaving only Kris to mount me while Lon joined Nick in the shower.Kris gave me the sweetest, sexiest smile and a teasing, pecking kiss as he took his place on top of me and we fitted our bodies together.His probing dick eased smoothly into my already thoroughly slippery pussy, and he began to pump inside me, slowly at first, taking my lips in gentle, tender kisses that felt as steamy as I imagined the shower water running in the adjacent bath must be.While Kris moved inside me, gradually picking up speed as the pleasure and passion between us grew and I pushed myself up against him, I imagined Nick and Lon in my shower, wetting and lathering and rinsing their hard, tight muscles.This only made me relish Kris’s body that much more as his own sinewy frame pressed me onto the bed and his throbbing rod took command of my sex.He let out desperate and feverish grunts,which I matched with ecstatic sounds of my own.He pumped me harder, more urgently every second, until I felt the heat and the rolling thunder of his orgasm, and my own body reacted in kind.From outside came the first gossamer fingers of dawning sunlight, and as if on cue, the shining light and rippling joy of my own orgasm spread through me.

Kris kissed me one last time, knowing he was the one of the three to take me all the way to over the heights of morning glory.As reluctantly as the other two, he pulled out and gave me a lingering, lusty look as he climbed out of bed and went into the bath.I lay there in the dimming light of my canopy and the growing light of morning, slippery and sticky between my thighs and thoroughly happy to have started my day in the best possible way.While they cleaned themselves up, I savored how “dirty” they’d made me at sunrise and took advantage of the opportunity to rest a little longer.

The three of them emerged from the bath in the reverse order that they left the bed, and each one took the pieces of his uniform from the pieces of furniture where they’d left them in the room and began to dress.I couldn’t help pouting a little at the sight of their dicks disappearing into their uniform bottoms, but I took heart knowing that at some point between now and tonight I would probably have the chance to get those tools out and put them to work again.Meanwhile, with their mixed cum coating my inner thighs, I got myself out of bed and into the bath for a relaxing soak in the tub.

While I was in the tub, the room computer sent in an audio message from my father.Daddy was already up and in his office and wanted to see me.What did he want to talk about, I wondered.Just to check on how well I was doing under the watch of my three Guards?To check on how well my three Guards were doing, seeing to my safety and my needs?They were certainly doing the best job on both counts.I sank a littlelower in the tub and laughed softly at just how very well they were doing.

By the time I came out to get myself dressed, the kitchen staff had brought up breakfast and my three Guards were eating heartily at the table.After slipping into some simple, presentable, but easily removable garments and fixing my hair, I joined them for my own breakfast and contemplated my agenda for the morning.Daddy was waiting.


“Tara,” my father asked, “which one of them is it?”

I was sitting opposite my father at his desk while the guys waited right outside.“Which one of them is what?” I asked.

“Please don’t play games,” Daddy said.“Kris Tynan was in your room the night of the mantis viper attack.”The arching of his eyebrows and momentary closing of his eyes meant he was substituting the words, in your room for in your bed.“Yesterday you were seen out riding melobeasts with all three of your Guards.”He paused and sighed meaningfully.“It is only Kris Tynan,” he said in that tone where a statement is actually a question.

“Daddy,” I said, “they’re watching over me.All three of them.”

He clasped his hands together on his desk and gave me a quiet stare that suggested he was thinking, Is that all they’re doing “over” you?But that, of course, is not something that a father wants to say point-blank to his daughter.So all he said was, “Watching,” in a tone that implied something else.

“They’re nice,” I said.“They’re looking out for me and I enjoy being with them.Daddy, they’re trained Guards.They know their duty and they’re not going to let anything happen to me.”

My father now drummed his fingers on his desk.“Tara…,” he began.

But I quickly added, “We know they’d risk their lives for me.Maybe even die for me, though I hope they’d never have to.They’re taking care of me, Daddy, all of them.”

He said, “Tara, there’s ’taking care of you,’ and then there’s…”

“There’s what everyone knows that goes on with Guards and members of the Regency family,” I said.“We’ve been over this, Daddy.I know I’m sheltered, but I’m not…,” I stopped myself from saying, a virgin.I hated talking around obvious words.It shouldn’t have been necessary.“I have experience, you know.”

“I know you’re not a little girl,” he said.“And yes, I know you’re only sheltered so much.And your being with Kris that night has been a topic of conversation, but not a scandal.These things interest people more than they upset anyone.But Tara, Kris is one Guard.One.”

“And in the short time I’ve known him, I think Kris and I have honestly come to care for each other,” I said.“Kris is strong and protective, just like the leader of a wolf pack would be.And I think he’s also very kind.He may not be from one of the most prominent families in the Colonies, but he doesn’t have to be that to be good and caring.”

Daddy said, “I know that, Tara.I’m sure young Tynan is everything you say he is.But what about the other two?”

“Nick and Lon are great Guards.Nick is an excellent leader.He commands respect.He’s one of the best men that the Canis Guard has to offer.I’m glad he was assigned to me.And Lon is smart and he’s charming, and he’s as brave and strong as the other two.I trust him completely, him and all of them.”

Leaning forward a little with concern, my father said, “I’m sure that’s all true, honey.But sweetheart, you’re one girl.Or one young woman.And Travis, Black, and Tynan are three…of them!With twice the, the…,” he actually fumbled with his words.After all the years that I’d spent listening to him giving speeches and interviews and quote ops with the most practiced, perfect poise, I actually found my father groping for the right words to say in this situation.If I wasn’t afraid he’d take it as disrespect, I might have laughed.

But he composed himself.“Twice the…energy…of human males their age.Tara, aren’t the three of them a bit…much?”

I smiled a bit and had to look off to keep from giggling and being disrespectful.“Oh, Daddy,” I said, meeting his eyes again.“Are you asking me if I find Kris, Lon, and Nick overwhelming?”