“Joey has had his sights on you since the moment he got the job. But when he brought you home, and I got my first look, I was immediately taken aback.” Dom places his hand on Ezra’s heart. “It’s beating for me, baby girl. You want me as much as I want you.”
Ezra is seething. “You wish.”
Dom nods, waving Tono over. When he makes his way towards her, he places his hands on her hips and adjustshimself. Ezra shakes her head, her body thrashing in her chains, causing the room to rumble.
“Tell me, Ezra, have you ever been fucked by two men at the same time?”
She growls.
“It’ll be the most amount of pleasure you’ve ever been given. Just wait. It’ll be like heaven is marinating inside of you.”
Dom tongues Ezra’s clit, flicking it and licking it as if he has the right to.
Tono, on the other hand, is getting himself ready for my girl’s ass. The thought of his old-man balls in her, all hairy and saggy, is enough to make me hurl. How I trusted these two men with my life is beyond me.
Safe to say I’m never trusting anyone ever again.
“I can’t wait for you to scream like you’ve never screamed before, all the while Tono and I are fucking your little whore of a body.”
I can feel every bone in my body burn up at the sight. God dammit, I can’t stand this whole fucking situation.
I am about to fucking explode in a nasty rage when, suddenly, I hear my mother’s voice in my head.
“What is yours can never be taken, no matter how hard the other side fights to steal it from you.”
Ezra is mine. Has been since the second I discovered her existence. Tono and Dom can do their very best— I’ve already planned their slow, merciless deaths, but I know my girl, and I know what gets her off.
Micro-dicks and ancient testicles aren’t it.
Stealing one final glance from Ezra, I nod my head softly.
“I’m so sorry, Ez,” I mouth.
A single tear slides down her cheek.
And then, finally, Dom thrusts himself inside her body.
“Yes, Ezra,” he says, his her vagina clenched around his dick. “Oh my god.”
I have to will myself to look forward because all I want to do is turn away. Cum drips down her thighs, along with her blood.
I think I’m gonna be sick.
Not wanting to wait any longer to join in on the fun, Tono pulls Ezra towards him, his hands cupping her round, muscular ass. He smiles before inserting himself inside her, the happiness never leaving his face.
“I can’t remember the last time I got the chance to mess around with young ass,” Tono breathes. “I forgot how amazing it is.”
I yank on my restraints, cursing as they pull me back in place. I want to rip them from the wall and then claw out Tono and Dom’s throats; cause them even worse pain than what they are causing my girl.
Tears slip down Ezra’s cheeks, and just that action alone makes me want to rip the heads off of every single person who has even simply thought something bad about her.
You don’t judge perfection.
Ezra, sensing my discomfort, whispers, “It’s okay, Joey. I can handle it. I’ll be fine.”
“You don’t deserve this, Ezzie,” I say, unable to look into her eyes as two men are fucking her like there is no tomorrow.
If I can get out of these fucking restraints, you bet your ass there won’t be a tomorrow.