“You just looked so gorgeous that I simply couldn’t help myself. Every single man that works for me has gotten a taste of you. I thought I deserved one, too.”
Ezra, eyeing me with such rage, slams the rock onto my hand. I howl as the pain catches up in my brain and runs through my veins. She then proceeds to send a right hook flying to the side of my jaw before kicking the back of my kneecap. I hear a loud pop before she goes straight for my shoulder, wrapping her arm around it and twisting as hard as she can.
Hot damn, she’s got some strength in that body of hers.
“That should teach you a valuable lesson,” she hisses. “Don’t fucking touch me again. God, what the hell is wrong with you?”
I cradle my bloodied hand.
“I just,” I breathe. “I just wanted to see you.”
“My god, are you drunk?”
I nod.
She places the rock down on the floor, right near her panties.
“I felt your body next to mine,” she says. “I could feel you watching me.”
I nod again.
“Why would you do that,” she demands.
“Because,” I cough. “Because I am not a good man.”
Her eyes stare me down, and I can sense the fury radiating from them.
“Why did you do it,” she asks.
“Because he watched you touch yourself,” I whisper.
“Because he watched you touch yourself.”
“How the hell do you know that,” Ezra demands.
“He’s my man, isn’t he? After all, who do you think told him to check on you that night?”
“Did you also tell him to rape me,” she asks. “Because that is what he was coming to do to me until I stopped him.”
I imagine Tono getting off to the site of Ezra stroking herself, circling her clit with the tips of her fingers, fighting so hard not to fall apart at her own touch.
It makes me outraged.
But Ezra just rolls her eyes.
“Tell me what I should have done, huh,” she snaps. “Let him rape me. Touch me. Feel me?”
“He enjoyed it,” I growl. “So much so that he asked for a fucking raise when he reported back to me that night.”
“Glad I put on a good show for the guy.”
I shake my head.
“You took the coward’s way out.”