I place my hand on her thigh, and she leans into my touch before I whisper into her ear.
“I know you are here for a celebration, but there are so many things that I would love to do to you,” I hike her dress up, revealing the tops of her white lace panties.
“But,” she says, moaning, “What will my friend think?”
I shrug.
“That you got damn lucky.”
* * *
Tonight was supposed to be a good night. No, a great night. I was headed home with a beautiful woman. Michael didn’t need me for anything. And, if I could help it, I wasn’t going to be in the same proximity as Ezra.
But somehow, I found my way back here. To her.
I don’t usually act on instinct. Or on impulse. At least, I try to shut those two emotions down when I want to be off the grid.
I just couldn’t escape this nagging feeling inside of my chest.
Killian wants his way with Ezra. Has since the moment he got here. And I didn’t give him much of a chance a few days ago.
But now, there was nothing stopping him.
At least, that’s what he probably initially thought when he decided to come here today.
“Joey, how nice of you to join us,” Killian says, a smile on his face.
“Two-on-one doesn’t sound so nice to me,” Ezra chimes in.
“Get away from her,” I demand.
Killian yanks on Ezra’s chains, and she lets out a cry as the metal digs into her skin.
“I said,” I bark. “Get the fuck away from her. I swear to God, you lay even a fingertip on her, and I will make sure you never move another step again.”
“Wow, such a hero.”
“I’m serious, Morago. One more fucking step.”
“And what?” Killian asks. “What are you gonna do, Odeh? Come on. Tell me. What is your plan should I, I don’t know, touch her?”
Killian runs a finger down the center of Ezra’s breasts.
I growl.
“You piece of shit.”
“It’s fine, Joey,” Ezra coughs. “I can take it.”
Killian grips Ezra by her ponytail.
“See? The bitch can take it.”
“Don’t call her that,” I snap.
“Why not? Isn’t that what is she? A stupid, stupid bitch?”
I ram my fist into Killian’s nose, and he falters backward. I hear a small whimper as I drive my foot into his stomach, knocking the wind right out of him.