Page 80 of The Library

Ipull into the parking lot of my apartment building, the engine’s soft hum fading as I cut the ignition. The familiar building stands before me, but everything feels different now. I’m not coming back here to stay, to continue my life as it was. I’m coming back to gather pieces of myself, pack up what little remains of who I was before Sebastian came into my life and turned everything upside down.

My fingers drum on the steering wheel as I sit there for a moment, breathing in the quiet before I have to face it all. Anna’s waiting for me, probably sitting on the couch in her apartment across the hall, already texting me asking where the hell I am. I glance at my phone, seeing a couple of unread messages from her. I smile faintly at the thought of her impatiently pacing in my living room, always the one ready to move before I am. She’s always had a key to my place, just like I have one to hers. She pretty much lets herself in whenever she wants. We’re like sisters.

I grab my bag and step out of the car, the chill of the air biting at my skin. As I make my way inside, I can’t help but notice a sleek, black motorcycle parked near the entrance. It’s not Sebastian’s, I know that much. But something about it makes my heart skip a beat, the sight of it leaving a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach. I shake it off, forcing myself to focus.Sebastian isn’t here, and neither is Ty. It’s probably nothing. Just some random biker who happens to live nearby.

I push the thought aside as I make my way up the stairs to my apartment. When I reach the door, smiling before opening it, knowing Anna is probably already sprawled on my couch, waiting for me to get my ass back here.

“About time!” she calls from the living room as I step inside. “I was starting to think you’d gotten lost.”

I chuckle, shaking my head as I walk toward her. “Yeah, yeah, I’m here. Sorry, traffic.”

Anna looks up from her phone, her bright smile immediately making me feel more at ease. She’s wearing her usual laid-back outfit—jeans, a comfy sweater, and her signature messy bun. She’s the complete opposite of me in so many ways, but that’s why we work.

“Got everything packed yet?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.

“Not quite,” I admit, setting my bag down. “I just need to grab some more clothes and a few personal things.”

She grins, leaning back into the couch. “Good. I’ll just be here, keeping your couch warm while you run around like a madwoman.”

I roll my eyes but smile. It feels good to have Anna here. Her lightness, her easy-going nature—it’s exactly what I need right now to keep from overthinking everything that’s been swirling in my head. Especially about Sebastian.

I start moving around my apartment, grabbing clothes from my drawers and closet, shoving them into a duffel bag that belongs to Sebastian. Anna chatters away from the living room, updating me on all the latest gossip from campus, but I can barely focus. My mind keeps wandering back to Sebastian—where he is, what he’s doing. And why he feels the need to keep me in the dark.

“Are you even listening to me?” Anna calls out, her voice breaking through my thoughts.

I snap back to reality, turning to face her. “Sorry, what?”

She rolls her eyes dramatically. “You’re totally distracted. What’s up?”

I hesitate, my hands still holding a pile of clothes. Should I tell her what’s really going on? About Sebastian, about how things have escalated between us? About the control he has over me, how much I both love and hate it? I want to tell her everything, but at the same time, I feel like I need to keep parts of it to myself. Parts that even I’m not ready to face.

“I don’t know,” I say, sighing as I drop the clothes into the bag. “Just… everything feels so intense lately.”

Anna frowns, sitting up straighter. “Intense how?”

I shake my head, trying to find the right words. “It’s just… Sebastian. He’s got all this control, and sometimes it’s like he knows what I’m thinking before I even say it. I don’t know how to explain it.”

Anna’s eyes widen a little, but she doesn’t interrupt. She knows when to let me talk, let me get the words out without pressure. I’m not sure exactly how her relationship with Ty is, but if he’s anything even close to what Sebastian is like, I think she already knows exactly what I’m talking about.

“And now, he’s telling me to move in with him, like it’s no big deal. And part of me wants to, but another part of me…” I trail off, feeling the weight of it all settle on my shoulders.

“Part of you feels like you’re giving up control,” Anna finishes for me, nodding knowingly.

I nod, grateful that she understands. “Exactly.”

As I zip the duffel shut, Anna glances at me, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. “So, I saw something interesting on Facebook today,” she says, her tone teasing. My stomach tightens, knowing exactly what she’s about to bring up.

“Oh?” I play dumb, trying to keep my voice neutral, but I can already feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

“Yeah,” Anna leans forward, eyes sparkling with curiosity. “You and Sebastian. It’s Facebook official now? I mean, you didn’t tell me, you bitch!” She laughs, but then her face softens. “I’m happy for you, Lily. Really. But seriously, I want details. All the dirty secrets. What’s he like in bed? I know you told me you two slept together and that he took your virginity, but… I want therealscoop.” My mouth goes dry, and I shift uncomfortably. I’ve never told Anna just how rough things get with Sebastian.

There’s a part of me that thinks she wouldn’t understand. That maybe she’d think it’s wrong. I take a deep breath, unsure of how to respond, but before I can say anything, she smirks.

“Don’t give me that look. I know it gets crazy sometimes. Ty loves to tie me up and fuck me senseless too.” She says it so casually, I blink in surprise.

“You and Ty-?” I trail off, my eyes widening.

She raises her eyebrows, grinning. “Yeah. He’s got a bit of a dominant streak. Likes control, if you know what I mean. I thought it was weird at first, but honestly, it’s hot as hell.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal, then leans in closer. “So, c’mon. Spill. Sebastian’s the same, isn’t he? I can see it in the way he looks at you. That man’s got you on a leash, doesn’t he?”