Page 59 of The Library

He drops his hands with a wide grin, clearly enjoying every second of getting under my skin. “Fine, fine,” he says, still chuckling. “But don’t say I didn’t offer to make it more entertaining.”

We exchange a glance, and in that moment, I know we’re both thinking the same thing: another job, another reminder of what we’ve become. And neither of us would have it any other way.

The adrenaline pumps through my veins as we get to work, and for a brief moment, I forget about Lilith. I forget about the way she looked at me, the way she questioned everything. All that matters now is the job—the violence, the blood.

Ty and I don’t talk much. We’ve done this too many times to need words. The man we’re after doesn’t stand a chance. By thetime we’re done, the room is painted in blood, and I’m covered in it again, just like when Lilith walked in earlier.

Of course, Ty adds his own shit, as always, fucking playing games even in the middle of all the violence. He pretends to miss a swing, lets the guy think he might have a shot, just to yank it away and laugh at the fear in his eyes. “Oopsie,” Ty drawls, his voice dripping with fake innocence, keeping his theatrics to a minimum for once, but still getting his kicks. “Almost had me there, huh?”

I shoot him a look. “Quit fucking around.”

Ty grins, wiping blood off his cheek with the back of his hand. “I’m keeping it light, man. But don’t worry, I’ll wrap it up.”

This isn’t just work for us. It’s a way of life. And I know it’s only a matter of time before Lilith is dragged deeper into it, whether she’s ready or not.

We leave the scene, but it’s not over—not by a long shot. This assignment is bigger than we thought, and the guy we just killed was only the first of many. We’ve got more stops to make tonight, more blood to spill before this is done. It’s going to take a while, maybe days. This isn’t just some quick hit. The Society made it clear—this is cleanup on a massive scale, and we’re the ones to do it.

Ty pulls his helmet back on, still grinning like the lunatic he is. “One down, a whole lot more to go. You ready for this, Sebby?”

I glare at him through my visor. “What did I say about fucking calling me that?”

He laughs as we rev our bikes, the sound cutting through the night. “Oh, I forgot, my bad! Sebby’s too soft, right? Wouldn’t want anyone thinking you’re going soft with that girl waiting at home.”

I don’t respond, just crank the throttle and take off, the sound of my engine drowning out his laughter behind me. Ty’s right about one thing, though—this is just the beginning.

Instead of the silent ride I was hoping for, Ty’s singing over our helmets, loud and off-key, like he’s determined to torture me all the way back. Some mangled rock song with lyrics he’s making up on the spot, and I swear, the guy can’t help himself. I agreed to get these helmets with him that allow us to talk to each other, hoping we’d actually talk about something important, but Ty? Ty never talks about important shit. It’s all one big fucking joke to him.

At a red light, he pulls up next to me, still grinning, still humming like an idiot. “What’s the rush, Sebby? Gotta run home to your girlllllfriend?”

I shoot him a look through the visor. “Shut the fuck up, Ty. Maybe I’ll kill you before your goddamn singing kills me.”

Ty laughs, not even fazed. “Oh, no, I’m so scared,” he says in a mocking tone, clutching his chest like I’ve just threatened his life for real. “What’ll I do? Sebby’s mad.”

I rev the engine, more to drown him out than anything. “Cut the shit,” I mutter as the light turns green, gunning it down the street.

Ty keeps up, still laughing, still fucking singing behind me. But even with his constant bullshit, I can’t shake the feeling that things are going to be different when I get back. This job could take days, and by the time it’s done, I don’t know if Lilith will be there waiting. Or if she’ll even look at me the same way once she realizes just how deep this darkness really goes.

The world she’s stepped into is darker than she realizes. And the further she falls, the more dangerous it becomes.

As I ride beside Ty, I know this job will take me away from her for at least a week. And that’s plenty of time for her to startquestioning everything. The thought gnaws at me, but there’s nothing I can do now. I’m in too deep. She’s in too deep.

And when I return, I’ll have to decide how far I’m willing to go to keep her in this world.


The days drag on slower than I ever could’ve imagined. Three fucking days in Sebastian’s house, waiting like some obedient pet. I hate it. I hate that I’m listening to him, staying put because he told me to. But more than that, I hate that his words keep ringing in my head.

“I need to make sure you’re safe.”

Safe from what? Or who? I’ve spent every moment since he walked out the door trying to piece together what he meant by that. What danger could I possibly be in that would warrant him leaving me here, alone, in this empty house? My frustration only grows with each passing hour.

It’s not that I don’t appreciate the comfort of his place—hell, it’s nice, luxurious even. But I’m starting to feel like a prisoner. Like I’ve traded one set of chains for another. And the worst part is that I agreed to it. I let him leave me here because I thought I understood the risk, but now? Now I feel like I’m suffocating in the silence he left behind.

I know he’s on an assignment. I know it’s dangerous, and that’s why he left. But still—three days, and nothing. Not a single text. No explanation. No idea when he’s coming back. What the hell kind of relationship is this? What kind of control does he think he has over me? I’m not some puppet to be left dangling while he runs off to handle god knows what with Ty. And yet… I’m still here.

Part of me is furious with him. Part of me is furious with myself for staying. I’ve spent these three days cycling through every emotion possible—anger, worry, need. I’m constantly on edge, wondering if he’s okay, if he’s even thinking about me while he’s out there in his blood-soaked world. And worse, there’s a twisted part of me that wants him to come back and explain himself, to tell me I matter enough for him to check in. Because despite everything, I want him. I need him.

But maybe I’m kidding myself. Maybe I’m just another job to him, another piece on the board that he’s moving to keep in place.