“You ready?”
It’s just two words, but those two words send goose bumps over my entire body. My breath hitches, and I jerk my chin in the air, then turn toward the bed, where my brand-new gold Tyler Ellis clutch is waiting for me.
Picking up the smooth bag, I turn to face him and flash the biggest, fakest smile that I have. The last thing I want to do tonight is to go to this party. Because the only thing that I want to do is crawl into that bed with Forrest and beg him to kiss every square inch of my body.
“I’m ready,” I state.
Forrest extends his arm, his palm facing up and waiting for me. I don’t want to slip my fingers in his because I know there is going to be a bolt of excitement, of need, that will flow through me just like it does every time he touches any part of me.
Biting back the whimper, I nod my head and take one step forward. He squeezes my hand, his fingers curling around mine, and then we walk. Hand in hand, we move toward the back of the property.
As we approach, there is a massive floral archway. It’s got every flower in the pink-and-yellow scheme imaginable, along with different shades of green. It’s beautiful. We don’t speak as we move one foot in front of the other. I only stop when Forrest does, right before we cross the arch.
“I got your back here, babe.”
I’m not sure what exactly I’m walking into. He’s acting as if it’s a den of vipers waiting to strike the moment I cross the flowery threshold. I don’t have time to ask him for any details, though. With a single nod, he turns back toward the arch and tugs me behind him gently as he moves through and onto the other side.
I kind of feel like Dorothy inThe Wizard of Ozwhen she wakes up in the land of Oz, and everything is brightly colored like nothing she’s ever seen before. I knew, based on the house and off Forrest’s mother’s vintage Chanel pantsuit, that this was going to be fancy, but it’s beyond that.
This is completely unreal.
I’ve never seen anything of the like before in my entire life. It’s beyond opulent. It’s magnificent in a way that I’ve never seen before. It’s something that I couldn’t even fathom. I love it, but when Forrest’s fingers tighten around mine, I look at him and see that his jaw is set and a muscle tics in his cheek.
He doesn’t find any of this awe-inspiring. In fact, he hates it. My heart squeezes and aches all at the same time for him. He doesn’t want to be here, but he feels forced. I’m going to do everything I can to help him.
The wayI feel about these parties, about this shit, isn’t healthy. I know it’s not. Being extremely anxious, disgusted, and angry isn’t good for anyone. But that doesn’t change the fact that I hate them with every single part of my being. I do. My parents, their friends, their friends’ kids.
All of them.
They’re pretentious and full of shit. The day I walked away from this inner circle was the best day of my life. I should have stayed away. I should have saved every penny from playing hockey and invested it like all of my friends. Instead of wasting it all on bullshit. Which is exactly what I did.
I wasted every single dollar I made because I thought I’d have my inheritance. It was always my fallback, and now I feel desperate to get it… but at the same time, I’m wondering if I want it that badly.
Just because I spent everything doesn’t mean I can’t make more and have a good life. Is it worth coming here and essentially crawling on my knees, begging for them? I know it’smy money. Family money. My father didn’t make it. He got his the same way I’m supposed to get mine.
I have to put on a whole-ass show for all of these people in order to kiss my parents’ asses in hopes they’ll throw me a fucking bone and release my trust fund. I feel like an asshole for this. When I was in North Carolina, this seemed like a fantastic idea, but now, all I want to do is leave.
Brooklynn’s fingers flex against mine and she clears her throat before she begins to move, essentially leading me. I let her because I don’t think I can move my own legs at this point.
“Forrest, is that you?” a voice calls out from the side.
Stopping, I turn my head to see a woman waving me over to her small group of people. I don’t recognize her immediately, but then it hits me. It’s a girl I went to high school with, one of my parents’ friends’ daughters. Then I hiss because I remember we went to prom together and did everything that kids do on prom night.
I can’t believe she’s here, although, at the same time, I can because I’m sure our parents are still friends. I can’t imagine my parents wouldn’t continue their friendships with the same level of elite people.
“Sascha?” I murmur as I approach her group. There is a man standing beside her and another couple across from them.
She turns toward me, her lips curved up in a grin as her eyes take me in. “I can’t believe you came. You know, we watch your games all the time. My husband, Jake, is a huge Fury fan,” she announces as she lifts her hand and touches the man beside her on the bicep.
Introductions are made, and then it’s my turn to show off my date. “It’s nice to meet you all,” I murmur. “This is my girlfriend, Brooklynn.”