What the fuck do these two cretins think is going on here? I shake my head. "I've thought it over. I'm not interested in short selling Gellar Industries. I’m bringing them into the fold. It doesn’t make sense to sell them for parts."
Cash rolls his eyes. He tosses a thick stack of papers onto the coffee table between us. "Shut your face hole. Look at these financial disclosures Gellar Industries sent over, Nate."
I raise an eyebrow and pick up the papers. My eyes widen as I look at the charts and rows of figures before me. My breath catches as I flip page after page. I’m not a finance bro like Drew, but I can tell when numbers simply don't add up. The figures swim before me, revealing a discrepancy that can't be ignored.
"Drew, what the hell is going on? These numbers are off by millions. Tens of millions, maybe." I scowl at the pages as if they will change their mind with a little intimidation by me.
"Someone's siphoned millions from the company," Drew says. His tone is heavy with concern.
Aghast, I give my head a little shake. I look at the numbers again. "Who could've done this?” I mutter under my breath, trying to make sense of the situation. A horrible thought occurs to me. “Annalise?"
A vision of her blonde curls and defiant blue eyes flashes through my mind, somehow both enticing and infuriating me. She's stubborn, yes. But could she really have orchestrated such a massive theft? It seems so improbable.
"It could have been her. It also could’ve been any of the board members," Drew suggests cautiously. Obviously, he senses my hesitation to blame her outright.
What. The.Fuck?I clench the papers in my hand, crushing them. Could my sweet little Annalise be hiding something so heinous? I just told her I loved her. And now I find out that the same girl could be a thief?
No. It’s not possible. Is it?
"We need to get to the bottom of this," I say, clenching my jaw. "And if it means taking over Gellar Industries to do so, then so be it."
Cash smirks at my words, clearly pleased with the shift in my convictions. "Listen, Nate," he says, leaning casually against the floor-to-ceiling window, "not only should you take Gellar Industries over, but you should get it at a fraction of the price."
"Are you out of your mind?" I snap, my fingers tightening around the damning financial documents. "This isn't some game we're playing here."
"Actually, brother, it is." Cash smirks, his eyes glinting with cunning. "And right now, you have the upper hand."
As if on cue, Drew chimes in. "If you don't agree to this, Nate, I'll move to unseat you as CEO of Fordham Enterprises. We’ll install someone more…dynamic."
"Dynamic?" My blood boils. With one swift, decisive motion, I close the distance between us and punch Drew square in the face. He stumbles backward, gripping his nose as blood spills through his fingers. "You're fired," I growl, my voice low and dangerous.
"What?!" he gurgles.
“You heard me, motherfucker. Get the fuck out before I do more than just punch you.”
Drew spits, clutching his bloody nose as he makes a hasty exit. "You're making a mistake!"
I turn on Cash. He raises his hands, jerking his chin at the financial disclosures in my hand. “The numbers don’t lie. Your girlfriend stole a massive amount of money. That, or she was complicit in the cover-up. Either way, no board will let her retain control of the company. Annalise is on her way out. It doesn’t matter whether you drop the info on her in a bid to buy the company for cheap or not.”
I’ve had enough. I can barely think. I point toward the door, scowling at Cash. He rolls his eyes, shoves his hands in his pockets, and slinks out of my office.
For almost a minute, I don’t move. Staring at the open doorway, I try to think of a way that Annalise could possible not be involved.
But damn, I can’t come up with anything.
How do I even go about confronting her about this?
I can't shake the image of her from my mind. She's stubborn and determined. Certainly a force to be reckoned with. But could she really have orchestrated such a massive theft?
If so, I have to fire her. The fucking FTC will be all over me as her business partner if I don’t act immediately.
But can sweet little Annalise really be guilty? My mind just can’t process it.
My knuckles ache from the impact on Drew's face. But thinking about the girl I left only an hour ago hurts more.
I can just see Annalise, all vulnerable and betrayed. Annalise, caught in the middle of the coming storm. I know I have to confront her. I will find the truth that lies somewhere deep below the surface.
My gut twists itself into knots at the mere idea.