Page 102 of Fifth Avenue Devil

Calum is the first to congratulate me. I shake his hand, thanking him for helping me to set this up.

Grant pulls Annalise into a warm embrace, lifting her off the ground briefly before setting her back down with a laugh. His easy grin mirrors mine "Congratulations, you two!" he exclaims.

Cash joins in, his charm radiating as he offers Annalise a playful wink. "Welcome to the family! We knew Nate was too good for one-night stands, but we didn't think he'd go this far!"

"Shut up, Cash," I reply. I roll my eyes, but I’m unable to suppress the smile tugging at my lips. “I hope that you are the next brother to be tortured by love.”

“Hey!” Annalise says, eyeing me. “I’m right here.”

“Nate didn’t mean anything by it,” Cash says. “And anyway, his wishes are never going to happen. I’m not dumb enough to fall for a woman. Er, no offense.”

“Um, offense taken,” she shoots back. “You’re just lucky I’m still walking on air from Nate’s proposal.”

“See, Cash? I stopped you from putting your foot in your mouth.” I squeeze Annalise. “You’re welcome.”

Lori pushes her way into the circle, making my brothers step back.

"Congratulations, Annalise.” She hugs her. “And Nate, thanks for letting me be here for your special moment.”

“Of course. We’re all becoming one family now,” I answer mildly.

My parents eventually make their way over to us. My mom leans out and touches Annalise’s arm. That’s as good as a hug, in my mom’s book.

“Congratulations,” Mom says. “Though you could’ve done without the public proposal, don’t you think?”

“We talked about getting married and public proposals before I popped the question in public.” I tighten my arm around Annalise. “We’re both very happy to be engaged. So thanks.”

“Nate, Annalise.” My dad claps me on the back a little bit awkwardly. “Well done. A celebration is in order, wouldn’t you say?”

"Come on, let’s grab some champagne!" Grant suggests, elbowing his way into the conversation. “Annalise, there is a new conductor I wanted to tell you about…”

“Not tonight,” I tell Grant, eyeing him. “Some other time. Tonight, she’s all mine. We’ll all go together.”

Laughter bounces off the plush walls as we get our champagne flutes. I can barely keep up with the excitement swirling around us.

All I know is that Annalise is wearing my ring on her finger. Finally, this woman is really all mine.



Five Months Later

“Careful with those!” I hear Annalise reprimand two movers when one bumps a chair leg into the doorframe of my penthouse. I smile at the men as they hustle past me, each bearing a chair that Annalise simply refused to part with.

I watch as my fiancée steps through the penthouse door. Her golden curls frame her face, which is flushed with equal parts exhaustion and excitement. She’s dressed in yoga pants and a plain t-shirt. She looks sexy, but then again, she always does. Even while muscling a much too heavy box through the door.

I step in, grabbing it from her. “Will you just let the movers handle this?”

I set the box down in a stack of other boxes. Annalise smiles at me.

“That’s it!” She runs her hand over her ponytail as she surveys what used to be my penthouse. Now it looks like a U-Haul storage facility. "That’s the last box."

“Oh, that’s it? You couldn’t find any more boxes of random stuff to have the guys bring over?” I grin at her and she shakes her head.

“You should have seen how much stuff went to the curb for people to take. I caused a minor stampede this morning.”

I tilt my head, looking at her body. “In those leggings? It’s no wonder.”