As they steer me outside, foreboding prickles down my spine. I paste on an imperious look and fold my arms to hide the goosebumps from the chill night air.
"What's this about? I'm busy securing our financial future in there."
Lance and Lori exchange loaded glances. My heart pounds traitorously.
What could Lance possibly know? About the missing funds, my secret stock market scheming?
“Well?” I lift my chin, my pulse beginning to race. "Out with it. I don't have all night."
Lori takes a deep breath. "Annalise, Lance came to me about some improprieties in the company ledgers."
I arch my eyebrows, feigning faint surprise. "What are you alleging?"
Lance clears his throat, straightening his bowtie with twitchy fingers.
"Well, Ms. Gellar, I was conducting a standard audit of the ledgers when I noticed some discrepancies. Small ones at first. Payments out misaligning with funds received."
"And?" I fold my arms across my chest.
“Right.” Lance swallows hard. Perspiration dots his thinning hairline. "I printed duplicate copies to cross-reference. The figures were inconsistent across versions. They gave me completely different numbers. It’s my opinion that someone deliberately cooked the books."
Lori interrupts, placing a manicured hand on my arm. Her expression is carefully blank. "Annalise, there's a significant sum unaccounted for. Millions. Upward of twenty, I think."
“Twenty-two million, four hundred twenty-seven thousand.” Lance looks between us, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “To be exact.”
Blood roars in my ears as I process the implications. Fuck. I wasn’t ready for anybody else to find out about the missing money.
How much does Lance know?
I level Lance with a cutting glare, channeling all the authority of my pedigree. "Are you insinuating that I had something to do with this so-called missing money?" I let out a derisive snort. "I don’t believe it. Millions disappearing without a trace under my watch? I find that quite difficult to believe."
"No one is saying that you had anything to do with it. The money started disappearing twenty years ago,” Lori says soothingly.
“That’s right. You couldn’t possibly be responsible." Lance wrings his hands. His eyes dart between Lori and me like a frantic rabbit. "When I made my discovery, I thought I was going crazy. That's why I consulted Ms. Parker for a second opinion."
“I’m afraid he’s right.” Lori gives me a sympathetic glance. "The evidence is all there, plain as day. We wanted to come to you quietly before jumping to conclusions or making accusations."
I survey them both with impassive eyes. My mind races behind the mask of stony composure. How should I play this? Would it be better to feign ignorance and righteous outrage? Will Lance fold under threats?
"You say we don't have proof yet that my father is involved in this, and I won't throw him under the bus just because it's convenient. What's our plan?"
Lance hesitates for a moment, weighing his words carefully. "If you're willing to take this seriously, we could bring forensic accountants to investigate the discrepancies. They'll scour the books and determine any merit to these claims."
"Forensic accountants? That could take months. If Gellar Industries is indeed hemorrhaging money as you claim, we don’t have that kind of time."
"Annalise, I understand your concerns," Lori says. Her eyes are steady on my face. "Let’s not act rashly. It’s better to take time to figure out what exactly we are dealing with."
"Ms. Gellar." Lance’s tone is impatient. "If there's money missing, I'm committing a crime by not notifying the FEC immediately. I put my career in jeopardy. Not to mention the company's reputation."
"I hear you." I put my hands behind my back and start to pace. "I agree that we have to proceed with the investigation. But we have to keep this discreet. No red flags. Lance can contact an outside team of forensic accountants and the team can scrutinize the trail of the missing money."
Lance looks relieved. “Thank you, Ms. Gellar.”
“No, I should thank you. Not every finance man is as ethical as you are, Mr. White.”
He blushes. “Of course, ma’am.”
Lance's footsteps echo across the polished marble floor as he strides back into the lavish gala. Lori and I are left alone in the cool night air.