He gestured at me. “And there you are. Living in denial. Miss Nova, I am the best chance you have of finding this killer before he finds you. Your life is at risk as long as the killer is at large.”

“The only life not at risk is the one that’s already over. I won’t tell you who I was, but I will tell you what I remember about the day. We were on the three o’clock train from Apple City to go toTheDetective Warlockcon.”

He jerked back like I’d just flung acid in his face.

I studied his reaction, partially amused but mostly depressed. This was something that had been a deep, dark secret in my last life, but now was probably the most normal part of me. I shrugged. “I’m a fan. It’s not just a drama, it’s real art, particularly when Winston the Warlock takes off his shirt. Too bad Vilus doesn’t run around shirtless. Probably because, as a tall and lurking evil guy, he lacks Winston’s musculature. Still, I’d pay good money to see whatever he’s got under that button-up.”

“You came to Singsong City with your friends to fawn over some pretentiousactors?” He couldn’t be more scathing if he tried. He looked so absolutely appalled at the entire thing, dark eyes flashing while that silver roiled.

“You know, if you helped them a little, they could probably have much better special effects. I bet they’d pay well.”

He blinked at me, then shook his head slightly as he reined in all of his emotions behind his impassive mask. “Not at all, Miss Nova. Not at all. Now that you’ve revealed your deepest, darkest, most shameful secret, I must offer you something in return.”

“How lovely. I suppose you have a dungeon for me.”

“No. You’ll have to settle for a dusty bedroom. I believe the house feels if a place is too clean, it lacks atmosphere.”

“The house, not the butler?”

“Bones wouldn’t notice dust until it smothered him to death.”

“Or life since he’s already dead. Bones the butler.” I touched my temple where he’d hit me to put me to sleep. “His suit was lovely.”

“Was it? Did he put on his yellow suit for you?”

“He has yellow? No, it was pink velvet with bloodstained cuffs. Now that’s a look that could go right in aDetective Warlockepisode. The butler always did it.”

He shuddered and shook his head slightly. “You will have to endure Bones and his unique fashion choices. Don’t tell him that you like his clothing, or he might find something for you.”

“Doesn’t this old place have an attic with old clothes I can wear?” I asked.

He crossed his arms, his own suit coat pulling at the immaculate cuffs. “I built this house myself. There are no ancestors who left trunks behind, and if they had, they would no doubt be cursed or haunted.”

“You built this house?” I looked up at the beams that ran across the ceiling. “With an army of dead?”

“Naturally. I am a notorious necromancer.”

“Of course you are.”

He raised a brow, then returned to his carefully guarded expression. “I had a bodyguard who left her trunks behind some years ago. She wasn’t human, but you wouldn’t mind dressing in something goblin-owned, would you?”

Ah. He was giving me clothes since I’d given him some information, but he was doing it as well as I’d done. I shook my head. “I’d be delighted. Thank you so very much.” My mother would faint if she knew I was wearing something goblins had touched, much less worn.

I hesitated, then slid my legs down to the floor. I looked down at my bare feet, bruised but not terrible, and without a single cut or visible scar. I was alive, but had become unrecognizable toeveryone I’d known. Funny how that made me wonder if anyone had ever known me at all.

“Thank you, Mercury. I’m more grateful than I can say that you saved me.”

“Mm.” He held out his arm for me and I took it, because my legs were unsteady. “Miss Nova, there’s something else that may be relevant to your future life and happiness. You mentioned that you have strictly human blood, but when I tested your cell tissue, it is definite that you are at least an eight of something else.”

I stared at him, gripping his arm unconsciously. “Something else? Angelic? Elven?”

His smile turned positively sweet. “Why no, Miss Nova. Goblin. You’re at least one eighth goblin. Surprise!”



Iwasn’t dead. I wasn’t even one of the few pure humans who never mingled with anything infernal or heavenly. I wasn’t beautiful, with perfect symmetry and perfect curves and perfect slenderness. I was the shocking opposite of everything I was used to seeing in the mirror.