I slowly said, “The snake that attacked us was a dark magic construct. Would that be the same magic that the demonic human could use?”
Apples perked up again. “A dark magic construct? What level?” That last bit was addressed to Mercury.
“Level five,” he said with a twitch of his lips. He found Apples amusing for some reason.
Apples whistled again. “A level five magic construct would be impossible for a bumbling novice to create. No, she’s probably working with a dark sorcerer, someone who’s studied.”
“It’s perfectly possible for a human to study such things. All they need is the power from a demon,” my mother said, ever defending human’s capacity to achieve greatness, even if it was great evil.
I frowned at her. What did she know about humans channeling demonic energy?
“Mr. Good has proven it quite possible,” she added, noticing my accusatory glare. “He began as human as anyone, but became something else entirely.”
“Not entirely,” Murcury murmured, for some reason squeezing my hand, like I might feel bad about her speaking disrespectfully about Mr. Good.
Vincent Bellham said in his calm, even voice, “So, we cannot be certain that this murderer is acting alone or with another dark magic user. We only know that she or he has or had Miss Nova’s face, hoping to become Miss Clarence, presumably to steal heridentity, but probably panicked and lost control of the infernal flames when faced with the error.”
Gabby snorted, “Faced with the wrong face.”
“It’s not that funny,” I said, frowning at her. “All those people died.”
She sighed heavily and batted her lashes at me. “I know it’s not funny that people died, but it is funny that she was defaced.”
“Not yet. We’ll have to defeat her and then deface her,” Apples said.
I groaned and turned so I was hiding in Mercury. “What is wrong with these people?” I whispered.
He patted my head, then rubbed my back with slow circles of his warm hand, sending tingles of happiness through me. “Basically everything. They’re too powerful, too obsessed with sushi, and too happy. It’s a devastating combination.”
“Here is your buillabaise,” the waiter said, interrupting my cuddle to place a steaming serving plate in front of Mercury. The soup looked and smelled amazing, as did the dark bread that came with it.
I sat upright with a sigh, because I would have to move or he wouldn’t be able to eat. He shifted me slightly to the left, closer to my mother, but still snuggled against his side as he leaned forward to take a bite.
My mother accepting her salad, no dressing, with a nod at the waiter and took a tidy bite, and then my dinner was placed in front of me, and I realized how starving I was. Every few seconds while eating, the light would catch on my engagement ring, and I’d feel delight mixed with shame for dragging Mercury into a deeper level just to scare away my mother. Particularly since it hadn’t worked.
The next few minutes were quiet while everyone ate with enthusiasm, even my mother, who ate more intently than usual. Had she not been eating much recently? She was thinner andwore more makeup to camouflage her under-eye circles. Maybe she was mourning for me, or maybe she was worried that whatever murdered me was coming for her.
Mercury put a spoonful of soup in my mouth, and that’s when I realized that I’d stopped eating. His soup was so good, almost as good as my lamb. I shyly gave a bite of my dinner to Mercury, and he took it almost viciously. I smiled at him and forgot about the weirdness of sharing utensils with another person in public, with my mother right next to my elbow. I liked eating with him like this, being with him, even in the middle of the contemptuously respectable.
Once I’d eaten enough to take off the edge, I turned to my mother. “Why do you think someone would want to take my place? It would be the perfect position to destroy the company, but do you think it’s more personal? Something involving your past?”
She wiped her mouth and turned and slipped me a wallet with the skills of a born pickpocket. I took it with the same ease.
“It’s impossible to say. I’ve upset many people in my time. Some from simply existing, and others by actively working to destroy what they represent.”
“What do they represent?”
“Destruction. Wanton destruction of all joy, hope, love, and goodness.”
I raised a brow at her. Goodness wasn’t a term I’d throw around lightly with Mr. Good on my mind. “Why do you destroy their destruction? Shouldn’t you be building instead?”
She smiled slightly as she stood. “Indeed. It is time I built something lasting. Hopefully, you’ll help me with that legacy, Miss Nova.” She smiled at Mercury and offered her hand. “Monsieur.”
He stood and took it with a slight bow. “Madame Clarence. It’s been a pleasure.”
Everyone else stood too, but she didn’t say anything to anyone else, just turned and walked out like the beacon of perfection she was.
Once she was gone, we all sat down with a slight thump, like we were all drained by her brilliance. Gabby gestured at the extra chair and it flew over to another table, startling the people there. Then she scooted next to me and grabbed my arm to whisper in my ear. “Is that really your mother? She’s more terrifying than Mr. Good. The whole time I was sitting up straight and sucking in my stomach. I don’t even know why.”