Page 48 of Ogres Don't Play

No. That word couldn’t have come out of his mouth, but it did, and all my stupid love songs crashed and burned into a wreck of shattered hope along with it.



Aweek later, I bit my bottom lip and glanced over at Rich where he was on the small stage off the front hall with a group of harpists, making them sound divine, raised baton, encouraging voice, and pomp bringing out the best of the group. He’d always been better with people than I was. He was a natural commander, could inspire anyone to do anything. Even if he was being ridiculous, he would get results.

He was a lion of the HOSTs. He could be dead serious and usually was. This was him having a joke at my expense. Still, he’d do an impeccable job whipping the small troupe into shape since he’d claimed to be here to help me. Gavriel was with the werewolf chorale on the other side of the building. He would also inspire, but mostly through fear.

It was great that they were here, really, truly wonderful, because the last thing I needed was to get lost in the magical burgeoning love between myself, some renegade musician and the Prince heir, or whatever he felt like being this month.

“Pretty,” Lanise murmured once we’d walked outside into the cool night air, where we’d stand greeting musicians while half a dozen ogres lined the path, showing the strength of the music hall’s might.

I shot her a look. “He’s poisonous to your kind. Don’t let him get you sucking on his neck.”

She returned the look with interest. “Me vampire? Forgot. Thought ogre.”

She’d been using a lot of sarcasm ever since I woke up with a bracelet in my bed instead of the prince heir. She conveyed a world of sass with such few words.

I took my place at the top of the steps, while anxiety crawled around in my chest. Speaking of vampires, the famous organist was due to arrive at any moment.

I’d been so close to falling into the love hammer, letting my brain get smashed to bits, and then Rich had broken the moment enough with that horrible accusation. Rook’s response, his ‘defense,’ was barbaric enough to shake me permanently from the edge of the chasm. I’d avoided him ever since, but he’d made it easy, focusing on his work as Rook the Luthier instead of a stone worker hanging around my hall.

Rook hadn’t denied that he was betrothed to someone else. No, he’d shrugged and said, ‘So?’

So? So I wasn’t some member of his wannabe harem. That’s so. Also can’t believe I almost fell for an ogre, started to think there was something normal about the breed of monster that could be on his knees proposing to me for the sake of my delicate angel blood when he was already betrothed to someone else. So? It still made me seethe when I thought about it. That’s why I wasn’t thinking about it.

Lanise elbowed me. “Angry again.”

I smiled through gritted teeth as a car pulled up to the curb at the end of the sidewalk. Was this Balry the vampire organist, or someone else in an enormous black car that looked like money and paranoia? That car was heavily armored.

When the door opened and the ‘Goblin Authority’ stepped out, wearing a tuxedo and looking sharper than you’d think aguy in a mask could look, I exhaled a breath of relief. I wouldn’t personally have to escort this guy, I’d just welcome him to the hall.

He was flanked by six other goblins, all who had pulled up in separate flashy cars, and they were all shockingly handsome, particularly for goblins. Hm. Looks like someone was using this Jubilee as a public relations op. Excellent, then they’d be less likely to eat anyone. My smile was a little more natural as I welcomed them.

“Goblin Authority, how good to see you and your associates.” I stretched out my hand and Lanise hissed while the goblin authority looked at my hand and then slowly put his own extremely well-manicured hand in mine. I smiled slowly while his eyes narrowed.

Finally, I released his hand, and he pulled his hand back, shaking it slightly. “You spelled me.”

“Not at all. Why would I spell someone who paid me with cursed gold?”

His smile was sharp. “It’s the only kind we have available on short notice.”

“I’m sure I believe you. Please, enter the hall. Tiago will explain everything and then show you where to go for the concert.”

Once the goblins were inside the hall, Lanise elbowed me again.

“Touch goblins? Want them die?”

“I didn’t actually curse them.”

“Arrook rip heads.”

“And make some nice brain yam pudding.”

“You not want goblins sing?”

“Arrook isn’t going to rip anyone’s head off unless someone actually hurts the face of his cause. Even then, he could spin it to get a good angle.”