“That’s fair. I guess I’ll uh… I’ll see you tomorrow.”
With a nod, she lowered her attention back to her food. “Okay. Good night. And um… thanks for everything, Neko. I’m sad that it’s over, but this time with you and your parents really helped me a lot.”
“You know I’ll do anything for you, sweet girl.”
Our eyes locked again, and she gave me a soft smile before I made my exit. Maybe this was a lesson in love for me.
Lesson one: Loving someone doesn’t mean you have to be with them.
That Weekend
I’d prepareda feast for Ma’s arrival. Her favorites were on the menu, and as devious as it sounded, cooking good was my attempt to give her a reason to come back home more often. Fried chicken, collard greens, candied yams, mac and cheese, and cornbread were on the table. Caramel cake awaited us for dessert.
It was Ma’s bright idea that Neko join us for dinner. He was on his way out when she was on her way in. His insisting on letting us enjoy our family time was nonsense to her, because to her, he was family too. So I was forced to sit across from his fine ass knowing just days ago he ended things between us and ripped my heart to pieces.
Ma led the small talk. I think she could sense something was off between Malik and me. I’d gotten over what he said that night. It was simply the fact that I couldn’t have Neko because of him that was weighing on me. I tried to act normal becauseMalik had no idea what was going on, but that was easier said than done.
As we finished our meal, Ma said, “So, I did want to see my babies, but I also wanted to tell you something.”
“Wassup?” Malik asked.
Since I already knew what she was going to say, I remained silent.
“I’ve been seeing someone,” she said carefully, looking at us both. “His name is Pete. He’s a principal, and he’s really kind. It’s, it’s not serious, but I wanted to know how the two of you felt about me dating. Whenever you’re ready, I’d like for you to meet him.”
Malik and I looked at each other before he spoke. “You know how I feel about that. I didn’t want you dating because I didn’t want to feel like I was letting someone take Pops place. But I know just because I feel like that, that doesn’t mean you should be single for the rest of your life. If you like this guy and he treats you well, I’ll meet him. Just know if he fu—”
“Aht, watch your mouth,” Ma demanded, lifting her hand with a smile. Her eyes landed on me. “And what about you, Mal?”
I shrugged and smiled. “Daddy would want you to be happy. If this is what makes you happy, neither of us will stand in your way.”
The feel of Neko’s eyes on me caused me to look down.
If only it were this simple for Malik to approve of us.
When it was time for dessert, Neko offered to help with the dishes. Once we were alone in the kitchen he asked, “Are you okay?”
Nodding, I set the dishes in the sink, then headed to the freezer to grab the ice cream. “I’m fine. I’m happy for her. She deserves this.”
He stepped close, voice low as he said, “You do too.”
Our fingers connected. His thumb caressing my hand caused my nipples to harden. Looking up at him, I lost myself in his dark eyes.
“Yeah. Just not from you, right?”
“Aye!” Malik called from the dining room, and Neek put space between us. “Put my cake in the microwave for a few seconds, Sis.”
My eyes rolled as I smiled. He swore he could still boss me around just because he was older than me. “Anything else?”
“And a lil shot of whiskey.”
“Your stomach gon’ be tore up drinking brown with this cake and ice cream,” Neko said as he left the kitchen.
While I busied myself with cutting cake for everyone, Ma walked into the kitchen. Her arm wrapped around me, and I appreciated the embrace.