“I’m just happy,” I admitted with a shrug.
“Why is that?”
“This was really fun. I can’t remember the last time I had fun like this on a date.”
“What do you usually do on dates?”
“The basics—food, movies, fucking. Shopping. That’s about it.”
“Damn. Well, I’m glad I did this for you then. I hope you date and be with men that you can actually have a true friendship with. There’s more to relationships than just food and fucking.”
“True,” I replied through my chuckle. “I think I did so little with men in the past because we didn’t really have that much in common. The guys who liked the things I liked were never really my type, and I think that’s where I messed myself up. Like… What black guy wants to read or watch anime, go to plays, or travel to more than Atlanta, Miami, and Vegas?”
His head nodded. “I feel you. It can be hard to find people with your similar interests unless you’re in clubs or some shit, but still, the right partner will be open to recreational intimacy with you. Y’all should be able to do what each other likes, and if not, find things to do together. That’s something Pops always drills in me. He can’t stand a lot of my mama’s hobbies, but every Sunday after church he spends an hour with her while she does her preserves, and on Fridays she spends an hour with him just cruising the city. They spend time doing their own thing separately and with friends, and it all evens out.”
“See, that’s what I’m talking about. I grew up with what I thought was a misconception because I used to love watchingThe Cosby Show. I loved how they had family time, time together, time with other couples and families, and time by themselves. I loved that community aspect. Nowadays it feels like it’s so hard to find and keep friendships let alone build a community.”
We continued to talk and ended up smoking and talking for hours. By the time we left, we’d smoked four blunts, and I didn’t realize how high I was until we got up to leave.
“You good?” Neko asked with a goofy smile as he wrapped his arm around me.
“I’m great.”
I giggled, causing him to laugh. “You high as hell, sweet girl.”
“I am, but I’m good. I’m hungry but I’m good.”
“Why didn’t you say something? We could have gotten food before I cleared the tab.”
“It’s cool. I don’t mind getting something from a drive-thru.”
“Aight, bet.”
He opened the door of his Camaro for me, and my high state made the seat even lower than I remembered. “Oh shit,” I almost yelled as I plopped down. “I thought I was about to fall on the ground these seats so damn low.”
“Yeah, you high-high,” he said with a laugh before buckling my seat belt. Instead of moving immediately after buckling me in, Neko allowed his face to hover just an inch or two away from mine. His eyes were low and glossy as they stared into mine. He licked his juicy lips and smiled. “You’re beautiful, Malorie. Thank you for gracing me with your presence. I hope you know it’s a privilege for you to give your time and energy to these niggas. Don’t give it to anyone who isn’t worthy.”
All I could do was nod. He’d rendered me speechless. After placing a kiss on my forehead, Neko got out and went to his side of the car. As he drove, he let me be the DJ, which meant we were alternating between R&B and trap music. My taste in music was just as eclectic as my taste in TV.
We stopped byJerry’s, which was like Dixie Queen with juicy, greasy burgers, bomb seasoned fries, and crispy hot wings. After getting our food, we headed home, and I was sad our date had to end. I knew I was going to eat and crash, though,so I didn’t mention it. The moment I took the last bite of my cheeseburger, there was no doubt in my mind I’d be out of it.
“Tonight was fun, Neko. Thank you for this.”
“I’m glad you had fun. Good night, sweet girl.”
“Good night, sweet boy.”
He laughed and ran his fingers down the corners of his mouth. “Do not call me that shit. Take yo’ high ass in there and eat and go to sleep.”
“Okay, okay. Bye!”
Neko’s head shook as he watched me enter my room. I kicked off my shoes, took off my clothes, and made quick work of pulling my food out after getting comfortable on the couch. I wasn’t sure how long it took me to eat and fall asleep. All I knew was, I felt myself being lifted and put into bed. Groggily, I allowed my eyes to open briefly, and they landed on Neko.
“Night, sweet girl,” he said, pulling the covers over me.
My mouth opened to respond, but I went right back to sleep.