A Couple of Days Later
I tookadvantage of us being closed to create. For months now, I had a vision in my dreams that I hadn’t had the time to try and put on a canvas. I didn’t know how long it was going to take me to finally finish it, but I’d started, and I loved being able to be in my creative flow. That was all the more reason for me to stop working so damn much. I loved what I did, though.
A part of me wanted to try having a split schedule and have two weeks out of the month where I worked and two weeks where I created. Either way, the freedom I felt over the last couple of days was needed, and I was taking full advantage.
I’d posted a snippet on my social media with the caption,back in the paint, and already, investors and collectors were asking if I planned to auction the piece off. Honestly, I wasn’t sure yet. It would depend on how attached I was to it when it was done.
The way I valued and sold my art was inspired by Nipsey Hussle. I knew the more confident I was in what I delivered and the more of a demand there was for it, the more people would pay for it. That’s why I only auctioned my art off. I let them decide what it was worth to them, but that method also scratched some peoples itch to gamble and win.
Laura was coming back to throw Malorie a celebratory party at Malik’s house for her promotion this weekend, and I couldn’t wait to turn up with the fam. Every time I thought about what she found, I was in awe. I know she said she came back for me, but she’d saved me and my brother from being robbed blind, and I’d be forever grateful to her for that.
When I started creating, I got lost in my studio. It was toward the countryside of Rose Valley Hills because it was so quiet and peaceful out here. There was one main room and a smaller space behind it plus the basement. Since I literally just painted and did my sculptures here, I only had a recliner, stool, and my materials. I didn’t realize how long I’d been gone until there was an Uber Eats delivery. There was only one person who would have me food delivered—Malorie. Yet another way she considered me, thought of me, took care of me… and I appreciated her for it.
It wasn’t until I smelled the fully loaded cheeseburger and fries that I realized just how long it had been since I’d eaten. Mystomach immediately started to growl. After taking a few bites, I called her.
“Hey, babe,” she answered.
“My sweet girl… thank you. A nigga was hungry as fuck apparently.”
She laughed. “Yeah, I bet. You’ve been gone for like twelve hours, Neek. When are you coming home?”
“Probably after this. Now that I’ve stopped to eat, I think this is a good place to stop.”
“Good because I miss you.”
“I miss you too. I’ll see you when I get home, aight?”
“Okay. I love you.”
“I love you too, and thank you.”
I disconnected the call and finished my food, then cleaned up for the night. It was a hell of a lot later than I’d expected to leave, and I was looking forward to cuddling up with my lady and calling it a night.
That Weekend
Our familiesand friends had come through to celebrate Mal, which she deserved. It was a sight to see watching our parents have a lil taste of that liquor and dance to a few line dance songs. Everyone took advantage and cut loose, and watching my people enjoy themselves was a big part of the fun for me.
Any time me and Mal were in the same room, my eyes always found her. Not just because I wanted to make sure she was protected but also because I loved looking at her. We were nearing the end of summer, and I was going to miss her shortsand cowboy boots combo. I’d finally spoken to Karrington, and I was going to surprise her with a trip to Massie Manor to his family’s ranch.
Tonight, she had on her signature crop top and shorts combo, but this shirt was so damn short I could see the tattoos on the sides of her breasts when she lifted her arms. Lil baby was bad as fuck, and I couldn’twaitto get her back home tonight. She was smoking and drinking and would be cross faded, and any time she was, she was freakier than usual.
When I felt someone pat my back, I looked off to the side to see who it was. Malik leaned against the kitchen island next to me. I tried to look at him to see what was up, but my eyes went right back to his sister as she danced.
“You good?” I checked before taking a sip of my whiskey.
“Yeah. Sis about at her limit huh?”
“Yeah. I’ma let her dance to like two more songs before I get her up outta here.”
He chuckled and bobbed his head. “Y’all look good together. I hope it lasts.”
That caused me to look over at him. “You mean that?”
“I do. I know I gave you hell back in the day, but I do. Who knows? Maybe y’all needed time apart to get to this point. Either way, I’ve never seen either of you happier, and I’m glad you didn’t let me keep y’all apart.”
“You must be at yo’ limit too talking all this sappy shit,” I said, shaking his hand and pulling him in for a hug as he laughed. “For real, though, I appreciate it. I know I’ve said it before, but I promise she’s good with me.”