‘Yes.’ She switched back into professional mode. ‘If you could have everything prepared for around seven, that’d be perfect.’
He nodded, then returned to the kitchen.
‘Sorry about that.’ Jasmine pulled out a chair at a table by the window, sat down and invited me to join her.
‘No need to apologise. Er, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are you twotogether?’
I knew it was none of my business, but I was curious. And seeing as I knew Jasmine was about to grill me about my own love life and seemed friendly, I thought it was worth asking.
Okay, so I was nosy. It wasn’t a crime.
‘With Alejandro? Oh, no!’ Jasmine shuffled uncomfortably in her seat. ‘He’smuchyounger than me.’
‘So?’ I replied. ‘He’s handsome and was definitely looking at you like he was interested.’
Alejandro had thick dark hair and olive skin. I wasn’t sure if he was Spanish, but he had an accent. And as much as Jasmine tried to deny it, I could tell she was attracted to him.
‘He doesn’t see me like that.’ She waved her hand dismissively. ‘Alejandro’s mycolleague. Well, technically he reports to me for client events so there’s that whole power dynamic thing too, which is why weabsolutelycouldneverget involved. He’s strictly off limits.’
‘Right,’ I said, thinking there was no way they didn’t want to get it on. There were so many sparks flying between them I was surprised the restaurant hadn’t caught fire.
‘Anyway.’ Jasmine pulled a notepad out of her handbag. ‘My love life isn’t important right now. What I’d like to know is how everything is withyou. Obviously today’s your last full day here,so I wanted to have a catch up. How are you feeling: about going home tomorrow?’
‘Sad. Wish I could stay. I know that sounds crazy, considering how much I wanted to leave that first night.’
‘I get it. Seeing Max for the first time after all those years was a shock. But you stayed and worked through it. You should both be really proud of yourselves.’
‘And how are things with Max, romantically speaking?’
‘Great, actually. We’ve reconnected really well.’
‘It certainly seemed that way! I was so glad when you two got together.’
‘Yeah. Sorry again about the whole massageincident.’
‘No need. I got the feeling you needed a little nudge, so I was happy to lend a hand…’ she smirked.
‘What do you mean?’ I frowned and Jasmine raised an eyebrow. A light bulb went off in my head. ‘Wait.No way! Did youplanthat? Did Olga really have a call?’
‘It’s funny because I was sure she did. But when we got back to the office, the line had miraculously gone dead. It was the strangest thing…’ Jasmine’s cheeks quivered like she was trying to stifle a smile.
‘You set us up!’ I gasped before bursting out laughing.
‘I cannot confirm or deny,’ she smiled. ‘But we’re called LoveAlchemistsfor a reason. We’re experts at creating situations which allow magical things to happen.’
Mind blown.
I had to hand it to Jasmine. I had no idea.
I wondered if Jasmine had deliberately orchestrated other things like sending me on the Caminito del Rey walk knowing that I’d be scared and Max would step in and help me.
And now that I thought about it, I reckoned she deliberatelyshowed us that shitty hotel room, knowing that we’d choose to stay in the luxury villa together instead.
Sneaky. Butgenius. I was glad she’d done her alchemy thing.
‘Thank you. I’ve had the best time and Max is…amazing.’