‘Come on.’ She flung the car door open and jumped out excitedly. ‘We’ve got a football match to go to!’
As the referee blew the half-time whistle, I blew out a shaky breath.
I did it.
For the first time in well over a decade, I’d watched a match and survived.
At first it was difficult. Joining the thick crowd as we made our way to our seats, seeing the players coming out on the pitch for the first time, hearing the cheers from the fans and of course watching the players, particularly the strikers, do what I used to love so much made my chest tighten. It brought back so many memories. Some good, many bad. My mind was quickly flooded with regret and thoughts of what could’ve been.
But Stella had taken my hand and every time she squeezed it, a shot of adrenaline rocketed through my veins, giving me the courage to stay and see the game through. And after the first twenty minutes or so, I started to relax.
Now I was even looking forward to the second half.
‘You okay?’ Stella said, checking on me, just like she’d done repeatedly since we first stepped into the stadium.
‘Yeah,’ I smiled. ‘I’m good. Really good, actually.’
‘You okay to stay?’
‘Definitely,’ I nodded.
The second half was even better than the first. Obviously the team were completely different from the days that I played, so I didn’t know any of the players, but they were super-talented. Watching them was so inspiring. Even though I wasn’t out on the pitch, I felt so pumped. So…alive.
I even felt comfortable enough to take some photos. Stella took some of me by myself and then some selfies together. This was a big turning point for me, so just in case I woke up tomorrow and thought it was a dream, these photos would prove that it actually happened.
In the end, Real Madrid won 3-1, which was brilliant. As we left the stadium hand in hand and walked towards the taxi, my heart felt full.
‘That was incredible!’ I scooped Stella up in my arms and spun her round. With so many fans coming out of the stadium, it probably wasn’t the best thing to do, but I was happy and I needed Stella to know it. ‘Thanks again!’
‘You’re welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed it!’ she beamed. ‘I did too, strangely.’
‘I’m buzzing, though! I don’t think I’m gonna be able to sleep tonight!’ I put her back down on the ground.
‘We don’t have any activities tomorrow during the day – just the leaving date, so we can stay up late then have a lie in.’
The mention of the leaving date made my heart sink. I’d volunteered to organise our last activity and although I’d already briefed Jasmine on what was needed and it’d all been set up for tomorrow night, I wasn’t ready to leave this place. I wasn’t ready to leave Stella either.
‘Good plan,’ I said, pushing it out of my mind. I didn’t want to think about the future. I just wanted to focus on what I’d achieved today.
On the car back to the hotel, I talked Stella’s ear off, gushing non-stop about the game. She was probably bored stiff, but didn’t show it. It was like all of the football talk and enthusiasm I’d bottled up for years came flooding out all at once.
I texted Colton some photos and he replied to congratulate me.
Once we’d reached the hotel, it was pretty late.
‘What do you want to do now?’ Stella slid off her sandals and closed the door. ‘WatchTed Lasso?’
‘Later.’ I stepped in front of her. ‘Y’know what I’ve realised?’
‘Tomorrow’s our last full day here and we haven’t used the hot tub.’
‘You’re right!’
‘You’ve spoilt me tonight, now it’s my turn to spoil you. Why don’t you get in the tub and let me bring you some treats. I’ll be your personal hot tub butler.’