Max brought out his own plate, a bowl of fruit salad and freshly squeezed orange juice so we could make a Buck’s Fizz with the champagne.
‘Thanks for all this,’ I said.
‘My pleasure. Whatever happens, I want us to remember our time here. I want it to be special.’
‘When you saywhatever happens,is that a polite way of saying if this only ends up being a holiday fling?’ I teased.
I should play the lottery. I knew that was what Max had wanted.
Max’s eyes widened then dropped to the table. I took his silence to meanyes.
‘I’d kind of hoped we could stay in our bubble a little longer, but I guess we’re only delaying the inevitable.’
‘The inevitable?’ I asked.
‘Yeah.The talk. We should have a chat about what happened last night and what it means, for us.’
He was right. It had to be done.
It was better that we both knew where we stood from the beginning.
I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t be chuffed if he confessed his undying love for me, but deep down I knew that wasn’t what Max was about to say…
I poured the champagne into my glass and topped up Stella’s Buck’s Fizz, then took a large glug.
‘So.’ I paused, thinking how best to word this. ‘About last night and this morning. I think it’s obvious that I thought it was fucking incredible. Everything was even better than I could’ve imagined. And hopefully the feeling’s mutual.’
‘You know I enjoyed it too.’ Stella licked her lips.
‘Good. And I really like you. Alot.’
‘But…’ she jumped in.
‘But, as bad as it sounds, I was thinking with my dick, not with my head. I mean, the head on my shoulders, not the other head…’
‘I know which head you meant,’ she laughed. ‘And?’
‘And I think the reason I was against the whole moving into the villa thing was because I knew it wasn’t a good idea. Right now, I don’t know what I want. I don’t know if I’m cut out for something serious. There’s still so much I need to do with the business and every relationship I’ve attempted since you has been a shit show. But the thing I worry about the most is hurtingyou. I fucked up once and I don’t wanna risk doing it again. So maybe it’s best if we draw a line under what happened and go back to trying to be friends, like we were before the massage. What d’you think?’
I exhaled and my shoulders loosened. I felt better now I’d got that off my chest.
‘Why do you assume that I want something serious with you?’ Stella raised her eyebrow.
‘Oh.’ I swallowed hard. ‘I just thought that… well, we’re atThe Love Hotel, a place where people come to findloveso I just assumed that you were looking for something long term.’
‘But you’re here too and you’ve just said you’re not looking for love either.’
‘True. There’s nothing wrong with people wanting that. Colton is crazy in love and blissfully happy with his wife and kid. All I’m saying is, I don’t know if that’s for me. And I wanted to be upfront about it. Like I said, the last thing I want to do is lead you on or hurt you. I’m just trying to be honest.’
‘I appreciate that. But for me, last night and this morning was just sex. Not all women want marriage and babies, you know! I was horny, my vibrator wasn’t charged and I thought you’d be good in bed, so I thought, why not?’ She shrugged like it was no big deal.
‘Oh.’ My jaw dropped. ‘Right. Okay.’