‘Really. But I was never brave enough to get in touch. Not after how badly I’d messed things up. I didn’t think I deserved to speak to you again. I thought you deserved someone better.’
‘I wish you’d tried, but it doesn’t matter now. That’s in the past. Let’s just focus on the future.’
‘I like the sound of that,’ she smiled and my heart swelled.
‘Good. Can I kiss you now?’ I grinned.
‘I thought you’d never ask.’
I leant forward and pressed my lips onto hers. My body lit up like a fireworks display.
God, I’d missed the softness of her lips. As our mouths moved against each other, I wrapped my arms around her waist, then trailed my hands down her back.
After sliding my tongue in her mouth, the kiss deepened. Our lips grew hungrier, like it had been years since we’d kissed instead of just days. Stella’s hand grabbed my arse and shepressed her body against me, my rock-hard cock prodding her stomach.
The loud sound of someone clearing their throat snapped us out of our kiss and we pulled away.
I’d completely forgotten we were in a busy pub. When I was kissing Stella, it was like nothing else existed.
‘Sorry,’ Stella apologised to the woman glaring at us.
‘Don’t apologise!’ Heather chirped. ‘This is wonderful! I’m so happy for you both! Are you going to tell her about the other thing?’
‘What other thing?’ Stella frowned.
‘Oh. Oh, yeah!’ I chuckled. ‘I got a bit distracted. So.’ I took Stella’s hands and fixed my gaze on her. ‘Remember how I was just saying that I didn’t want to be without you?’
‘Yeah,’ she nodded.
‘Well, remember I’ve gotta go away on business for a couple of months?’ Stella nodded again and my heart thudded. ‘I was kinda wondering if you’d like to come with me? The thought of being away from you for that long kills me. I’ll pay for your flight and take care of all the expen…’
‘I’d love to!’ She threw her arms around me. From how tightly she was squeezing me, I could tell she was happy, which was a relief. My shoulders loosened. ‘But when? I thought you had to leave soon?’
‘Yeah. Flight leaves in four hours.’
‘I didn’t realise you were leaving today! I want to come, but I’d need to arrange cover for work. And find my passport which has disappeared so I couldn’t do all that before check-in. And don’t I need a visa or some official paperwork to travel too?’
‘It’s all taken care of,’ I said calmly. ‘Your mum’s been really helpful. Between her and my secretary, Rita, they got everything prepared.’
Stella’s mouth opened to speak, then closed again. I could hear the cogs in her brain turning at a million miles an hour.
‘And I haven’t packed. I don’t have any clothes or toiletries!’
‘Your mum packed a suitcase with the essentials. But if you need anything else, we can buy it there.’
‘Oh my God,’ Stella laughed. ‘I don’t know what to say. Thanks! Wait. Is that why I couldn’t find my passport the other day, or my mascara and lipstick?’
‘That’s right,’ Heather nodded. ‘I packed all your favourites. Not your Waterfall Turbo 3,000 though. Didn’t think you’d need it with Max around!’
‘Mum!’ Stella burst out laughing. I did too. She was lucky to have a mum who was so cool.
‘There’s some new thongs in there too. Max said you’dlostthe others,’ she winked.
I may have lied about them gettinglost. I couldn’t exactly tell Heather that I’d ripped them off her daughter because I couldn’t wait to bury myself inside her.
‘Thanks, Mum,’ Stella smiled. ‘How did you even get the suitcase to Max?’