I’d be lying if I said the thought of going to Australia and America didn’t sound appealing, but there was no way I was going to ask him if I could tag along. That’d sound too desperate.
‘Maybe, maybe not.’
‘Plus I’ve just got back from holiday. I can’t go swanning off again – and for two months! That’s more than double my annual holiday allowance. And you need me.’
‘Oh…’ Mum shuffled in her seat, her gaze dropping to the table. ‘About that. I wanted to talk to you about your position. I’m really grateful for all of your help, you know I am. But whilst you were away, Marjorie proved to be quite an asset. She was great with organising the orders and dealing with customers and we got on really well. So I was thinking that maybe you could think of finding another job?’
‘Wait, what?’ My jaw dropped. ‘You’refiringme?’
‘No, of course not! I love us working together. But this isn’t what you’re meant to do. You deserve to do something much more stimulating than taking lacy thongs to the post office every day.’ She reached across the table and grabbed my hands. ‘I want to see you fly, darling. Maybe it’s time to start looking for more freelance design work. Starting your own business like you’ve always wanted to.’
‘I agree with your mum,’ Sammie chipped in.
I took a sip of my cold coffee as I tried to gather my thoughts.
Of course I’d love to do that, but I didn’t even know where to start. It was so daunting. I’d need to find clients and that wasn’t easy.
‘How long do I have before I’m unemployed?’ I asked.
‘You can work here for as long as you need. Maybe you could reduce your days and use that time to start working on your own thing? Don’t worry about the money. Business is really picking up so I’ll pay you the same and Marjorie can come in a couple of days a week to shadow you. Then when you’re ready to take the leap, we’ll have everything in place.’
Wow. Mum had really thought this through.
It was really kind of her to offer to pay me the same salary.
I racked my brain, trying to think of more excuses not to try, but the more I thought of it, the more I realised Mum had given me an incredible opportunity. The freedom to follow my dream.
Although I was scared shitless, I’d be crazy not to at least try.
Look at Max. He wasn’t able to follow his dream and it crushed him. I didn’t want to look back at my life with regrets. I owed it to myself to give it a go.
That was why, right there at that moment, I decided to do it. I was going to try and branch out on my own. To follow my dreams.
I wasn’t able to make a relationship with Max work out, but I was determined to do whatever I could to finally make my career take off.
‘You look like shit.’ Colton opened the door to his house.
‘Nice to see you too!’ I replied, wheeling my suitcase into the hallway, slipping off my shoes then walking through to the kitchen where Natalie and Betty were sitting at the table.
Colton was right though. I did look like shit, because last night I didn’t sleep well.
Normally when I’d been travelling, even if I’d stayed at a fancy hotel, I was always happy to get home and sleep in my own bed. But last night, everything felt different.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find a comfortable position to sleep in.
And everything felt so empty: the house and especially the bed.
I didn’t smell Stella’s gorgeous scent on my pillow or feel her tangling her legs in mine under the covers.
I’d lived in my house for years and had never had a problem with staying there alone. But last night I felt… lonely.
It just wasn’t the same without her.
My mind racing all night can’t have helped my insomniaeither. I must’ve spent hours trying to think of how to make it work.