Page 109 of The One That Got Away

I sat up in the bed and my stomach rumbled. No wonder. I hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday afternoon.

After I dragged myself to the bathroom, I headed down to the kitchen and was surprised not just to see Mum sitting there, but Sammie too.

‘She has arisen!’ Sammie bellowed in a deep voice.

‘Awww! We were going to give it another half an hour before we went and checked again for signs of life!’ Mum chuckled.

‘I must’ve been a lot more tired than I thought.’ I opened the cupboard and took out a mug. I needed coffee. Preferably drip-fed to me for the next twenty-four hours.

‘That’s what all that shagging will do to you!’ Sammie threw her head back, laughing.

‘Sammie!’ I gasped. ‘Not in front of my mum!’

‘Oh,please.’ Mum rolled her eyes. ‘I was just about to say the same thing! I may be your mother but I’m still a woman whoappreciates a good roll in the hay! How do you thinkyougot here?’

‘What? You mean the stork didn’t bring me to you?’ I smiled.

‘Surprisingly not! If you like, I can share the story of how you were conceived.’

‘No! Pleasedon’t,’ I cringed.

‘Why don’t you tell us what’s happening with Max instead?’

‘Oh, God,’ I groaned, pouring the fresh coffee into my mug and sitting on the stool opposite Mum and Sammie. ‘Do I really have to?’

‘Yes!’ they both replied.

I’d have to tell them sooner or later. And I was glad that Sammie was here too. Not just to give me moral support, but also so I’d only need to tell the story once.

‘Okay,’ I sighed, reaching for the buttered toast in the centre of the table.

Once I’d finished explaining what had happened over the past twenty-four hours I blew out a breath, relieved I’d got it out of the way.

‘And that’s it. Max and I were just a holiday fling. He’s going travelling for business for a couple of months, so it’s over.’

‘Oh, hon. I’m sorry,’ Sammie said. ‘You never know though. Maybe you could get together again when he comes back?’

‘That’s what I suggested. I said he could call me when he’s back but I doubt he will. He’ll probably meet some goddess in Australia or America and forget all about me.’

‘No way! The way he looked at you in those photos didn’t seem like he wanted to forget you. He was smitten. You’re the only woman for him.’

‘Yeah, right!’ I scoffed. ‘That’s why he’s desperate to commit to me.’

‘Sometimes it’s just about timing. It could just be a case of right guy, wrong time. Be patient.’

‘I can’t put my life on hold in the hope that he’ll change his mind. I just need to forget him. What about you?’ I looked at Mum, who was unusually quiet. ‘Aren’t you going to add your two cents?’

‘What?’ She snapped out of her thoughts. ‘Sorry. I was just thinking. You said Max is going travelling?’


‘So instead of waiting to see where things stand between you when he comes back, why don’t you just go with him? You’ve always wanted to see more of the world. Now’s your chance.’

‘I told you, Mum. He’s going for business.’


‘And he’ll be working the whole time. Plus, if he wanted me to come with him, he would’ve asked.’