Page 103 of The One That Got Away

‘Oh and she admitted that she set us up!’

‘What?’ I almost choked on the sardines, which tasted so good. I quickly swallowed my mouthful. ‘How?’

‘Remember theurgentcall Olga had to leave for?’

‘What about it?’

‘There was no call!’

‘You’re joking!’ My eyebrows shot up.

‘Nope! I don’t think that was the only thing either…’

As Stella explained her theories on how she thought Jasmine had arranged certain things to bring us closer together, it started to make sense.

‘Wow.’ I took the last bite of fish. ‘Jasmine’s like a silent romance ninja. You don’t even realise she’s playing cupid and has cast a love spell on you until it’s too late.’

Stella and I looked at each other and our eyes locked.

I’d said the ‘L’ word by mistake and she’d picked up on it.

‘Yeah.’ She held my gaze. ‘Jasmine said that’s why she’s called aLoveAlchemist,’ Stella added, placing an extra emphasis on the wordlove.

I supposed now was a good time to have that conversation.

‘So, maybe we should…’

‘Good evening.’ The chef approached the table and spoke in a thick Spanish accent. ‘You like theespetos?’

‘They were delicious!’ Stella replied and I agreed.

‘Very good. The next course is almost ready. Your match requested fresh fish, including salmon and also barbecue chicken, this is good for you?’ He faced Stella.

‘I love barbecue chicken!Andsalmon!’ A grin broke out on Stella’s face.


The chef left and soon afterwards, the waiter brought over the next course which smelt amazing.

Stella and I spoke about loads of different stuff like whatcountries were on our travel bucket lists, what we thought was gonna happen next inTed Lasso, how many of the funny Love Hotel staff job titles we could remember… Everything except what we really needed to discuss.

When the waiter placed dessert in front of us, Stella’s eyes widened.

‘Chocolate mousse with sprinkles? I can’t believe you remembered!’

‘How could I forget?’ I smiled.

That was always Stella’s favourite. Apparently she tried it for the first time at a birthday party when she was a kid and had been hooked ever since.

‘People always think it’s childish to have the sprinkles, but I love the extra sweetness and texture! I haven’t had this for ages. Thank you!’

My heart inflated. I was glad Stella had enjoyed the meal. I wanted this to be a memorable night so when she looked back on our time together, this time, she’d have positive thoughts.

‘You’re welcome.’

‘This is so beautiful.’ Stella looked up at the stars as she licked the chocolate off the back of her spoon.

That was when that I noticed the classical music in the background. I wasn’t sure how long it’d been playing because I was only focused on Stella.