‘Welcome to your last supper! Let me take you to your table.’
We stepped inside the heart in the sand. I pulled out Stella’s chair, then sat opposite her.
A waiter approached, took the champagne from the bucket then poured it out.
‘Something smells good!’ Stella said to Jasmine. ‘What’s yourfriendcooking?’
‘Oh, er…’ for some reason Jasmine blushed, ‘he’s doingespetos. They’re sardines seasoned with some olive oil and sea salt.’
‘Sounds delicious,’ Stella said.
‘So as you can see, Max arranged this private dinner for you. Alejandro will be cooking a three-course meal and your dedicated Cuisine Champion will be on hand to serve you throughout the night. I’ll be in different locations this evening, checking on all the couples, but if you need anything, before I return, please call me. Right, I better check how theespetosare coming along.’
Stella grinned as Jasmine walked over to the chef.
‘What’s that grin for?’ I cocked my head.
‘I think something’s going on with Jasmine and that Alejandro.’
‘Yeah. I asked her earlier and she denied it. If she’s telling the truth and there isn’t, I reckon it’s only a matter of time.’
I glanced over just as Jasmine threw her head back, laughing at something the chef said.
‘Oh… yeah, you’re right. He’s giving her thelook.’
‘The kind of look a man has when he’s eye-fucking a woman he likes.’
‘How do you know?’
‘Because that’s the way I look at you.’ I brushed my thumb over her cheek, then leant across the table, moved the candelabra to one side, then kissed her softly on the lips.
‘Mmm,’ Stella groaned and I wished I could record that sound and play it on repeat. ‘If we weren’t in such a gorgeous setting with this amazing dinner you’d arranged, I’d like you to do more than just eye-fuck me.’
‘Trust me, once we’re back at the villa, if you give me the green light, it won’t be my eyes that’ll be fucking you…’ My dick jerked in my shorts.
The waiter appeared, jolting me out of my thoughts.
‘May I present to you the first course for this evening’s meal: freshespetos.’ He laid two plates in front of us.‘¡que aproveche!’
‘What does that mean?’ Stella frowned as the waiter left.
‘Enjoy your meal,’ I replied.
‘Oh! Got it.’
‘Cheers!’ I lifted my glass in the air. Stella clinked her glass against mine, then we both took a sip.
‘So.’ Stella stabbed the sardine with her fork before realising I was eating with my hands then doing the same. ‘How’d it go with Jasmine earlier?’
‘Okay. You?’
‘Good, I suppose. Thankfully she didn’t gloat or say I told you so when I said we were getting on well.’
‘Yeah. She saw something that we didn’t right from the start.’