I didn’t even need to look in a mirror to know I had the biggest heart eyes. Every time I thought about him, I swooned.
‘He’s definitely a keeper. Speaking of which, what are your plans? Are you going to continue your relationship in London?’
Good question.
‘What did Max say?’
‘Sorry but I can’t share what he told me. These one-to-ones are confidential.’
Dammit. I guessed if I really wanted to know, I had to ask him.
We’d need to have a proper chat. I knew that originally we’d agreed that we’d enjoy each other whilst we were here, then walk away. But that was before, right? Maybe he’d changed his mind.
I got the feeling Max wanted to raise it on the beach earlier, but then Jasmine called.
‘I understand.’
‘I really do hope you do stay together, though. You two have something special.’
I thought we did too. But it took two to tango.
‘If you don’t mind, I’d like to check in with you again in a few weeks, once you’re back home. See how things are going. Would that be okay?’
‘Course,’ I said.
‘Great! Well, that’s all for now. I know you must have packing to do so I’ll let you go. The hotel will send a feedback questionnaire in the next couple of days which we’d love you to completeASAP whilst everything’s still fresh in your mind. Enjoy your date tonight!’
After I left the restaurant, I made my way to the villa.
Although I had to pack, there was something more important I needed to do first.
It was time to have a chat with Max. To find out if he wanted to change our agreement and give this relationship thing a try. I knew I did.
I just had to hope that he felt the same way…
When Stella came back from her chat with Jasmine, I was on a call to the office having a conversation that was best had away from the villa. So I told Stella I’d be back soon, then walked towards the beach.
‘That’s fine,’ I confirmed with Rita, my secretary. ‘Go ahead and book it.’
‘Will do,’ she said. ‘And I’ve arranged for a car to collect you from the airport tomorrow.’
‘Colton’s in meetings this afternoon, but he asked me to tell you that you’re expected at his house on Sunday for breakfast.’
‘We’ll see,’ I groaned inside, knowing breakfast was just a ruse for what it was really going to be: an interrogation. ‘Depends if I have time before my flight to Dubai.’
‘He’s already asked me to arrange a car to pick you up from his house to take you to the airport.’
‘Right,’ I said, knowing that sounded just like him. ‘Thanks.’
‘Have a safe flight and speak to you on Monday.’
‘Yeah. I’ll call you from the show when we break for lunch. Have a good weekend.’