Page 9 of Bride Games

“I want whatever you want.” Eli blew out his breath. “But I think the colors and flowers are enough for tonight, don’t you? I’m already overwhelmed.” Eli traced Emma’s face and touched seemingly each freckle across her cheeks. “I can’t wait until we live together as a family.” He kissed her neck and whispered, “Did you say ‘Daddy’ earlier?”

“Sorry. It slipped out. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“I loved it.” Eli hugged Emma for a long time. “It’ll also be the happiest day of my life. And all because Lucy brought us together.”


After Eli left, Emma smiled to herself. She couldn’t wait to marry Eli, plus Lucy seemed content—more than content—thrilled they would become a family. She slept better than she had in years and threw back the covers the second Lucy scampered into her room.

Lucy climbed onto her mother’s bed. “Mommy, Mommy! When are you and Mr. Hansen going to get married?” Pulling her daughter close, Emma kissed the top of her head. As she hand combed Lucy’s messy hair, she said, “Sometime this year, sweetie. Maybe in a few months. We have to work out several details, see what’s available, and?—”

“What are details, Mommy?”

“Somehow, I knew you were going to ask that question. Um, it means we have to plan a lot of things. Wedding things.”

Lucy peered at Emma with wide eyes. “What things?”

“You ask a lot of questions before Mommy has had a cup of coffee.” Emma stretched, deciding to mention a few items, otherwise, her daughter would never stop quizzing her. Ticking off her fingers, she stared into her daughter’s cherub face. “First, we have to decide on a date, then find a venue—before you ask, that’s the place where we’ll get married—check on flowers,music, invitations, and other stuff.” Emma patted Lucy’s leg. “And we must find the perfect dress for you to wear.”

Lucy clapped and bounced in the bed. “I get a new dress?”

“Oh, yes, a very fancy dress. We’ll pick it out together. That’s enough for now. Mommy needs coffee.”

After breakfast, Emma began thinking about a preliminary guest list. Her mind wandered to her own late parents who died in a horrific car collision soon after Lucy was born. Sadly, little Lucy never knew her grandparents because it was too painful for Emma to relive the details she knew Lucy would ask. Besides, there was plenty of time for that. Lucy’s little brain wouldn’t be able to comprehend it anyway. Emma sniffed back tears, refilled her coffee, and challenged herself to think only happy thoughts. This was the happiest she had been since her daughter was born and she wasn’t going to let anything cloud this momentous time.

Once she was settled back on the couch with warm coffee, a pen, and pad of paper, Emma thought about Eli’s guest list and wondered if the thought had crossed his mind. She chuckled.Probably not.She remembered Eli told her a few months ago he was estranged from his mother, and his father had passed from cancer. Apparently, Eli’s mother had an affair while his dad suffered during the late stages of his disease and began dating openly just one week after his dad’s funeral. Eli said he had never forgiven her and Emma couldn’t blame him.

Gosh, we won’t have any parents at our wedding.Instead of letting the jarring thought weigh her down, Emma perked up when she thought of her sweet neighbor—Lucy’s babysitter—Mrs. Roberts.Oh, and Nigel from Bride & Joy. I can invite him, as well as some parents from Lucy’s class.She crossedher legs as she added their names, plus Miss Ainsley, Emma’s kindergarten teacher who had replaced Eli, and of course, a few of her favorite authors for whom she made promotional book swag.My guest list won’t be long.Emma’s mind wandered to the fall NFL schedule which never would have entered her mind until Paige began covering sports. She took a deep breath.My best friend had better not be covering a football game. I’d love for Paige to be my maid of honor. Maybe she’ll bring her cute coworker.

Emma listened to the sounds coming from the hallway. From the noise, she could tell her daughter was playing with a kid-size plastic bowling ball and plastic pins. Always happy, Lucy sang while she sat up the pins and rolled the ball over and over, cheering each time a bowling pin fell.Eli and I should take Lucy to a real bowling alley someday. She’d love it.Emma glanced at her watch and knew the game would monopolize Lucy for at least fifteen minutes. Taking advantage of the free time, Emma reached for her cellphone to call Paige.

Paige answered on the second ring. “Paige Daniels, ATV 10.”

“Hey, Paige. It’s Emma.”

“Hi, stranger. Howareyou? I’ve been thinking about you. We need to get together.”

Emma wanted to blurt out her new engagement to Eli, but instead said, “I finally have some news. Want to meet at that cool island bar you took me to last fall? What was it called? Pineapple or Mango?”

Paige laughed. “Coconuts. And, yes, I’d love to meet. I’m in town this week. Just got back after several work-related weeks on the road, as a matter of fact.”

Emma had already texted her neighbor, Mrs. Roberts, to inquire about her babysitting in case Paige was free. She checked her text while they talked. Sure enough, Mrs. Roberts was available. “How about tonight? Too short of notice?”

“Actually, tonight’s perfect. I was wondering what I’d eat for dinner.” Paige chuckled. “My refrigerator is totally empty. Want to go at four and beat the Happy Hour crowd?”

“Great. See you in a few.” Emma hung up thrilled she was going to be able to tell someone—especially her best friend. She stared at her gorgeous engagement ring. The sparkling, round diamond was perfect in every way. She wondered how Eli knew her ring size and had a feeling a little person probably helped by giving him one of her other rings.

“Lucy, come here a sec.” For once, her daughter obeyed the first time. “Sweetie, Mommy has plans with Paige tonight. You’re going to stay with Mrs. Roberts for a few hours.”

Lucy clapped. “I wuv Mrs. Woberts.”

“I know you do. So do I.” Emma didn’t know what she’d do without her kind neighbor who was always ready to help.

Lucy bounced up and down. “Can I go to Mrs. Woberts’ house now?”

“Later. It’s almost time for lunch so—” Before Emma completed her sentence, Lucy raced into the living room and reached for the remote for her umpteenth viewing ofFrozen.Emma recognized the first few notes of the theme song, which would now be stuck in her head all day, but she didn’t care. Nothing could spoil her joyful mood.