Page 12 of Bride Games


After their meal, Paige and Emma drove to Bride & Joy while Emma peppered Paige with questions about wedding planning nonstop. Paige stared at her friend over the top of her sunglasses. “Em, you’ve got to relax. We’re going to an expert. Nigel’s an actual wedding expert. He’s a Brit, right? The accent alone should soothe you.” Grinning, Paige added, “I know I’ll love it.”

“Yes, brilliant, as he would say.” Emma smiled. “Nigel does relax me.”

Paige put a hand over her chest. “And I don’t?”

“Um, in a different way, but I love you.”

Paige parked in the Bride & Joy lot. “What a cute logo.” She pointed to the name that had a wedding dress for an ‘I’ and a heart for the ‘o.’ “I already love this place.”

“It’s the best.” After they entered the jangling front door, freshly painted pink, Emma led the way past several brides-to-be, a few mothers, and grandmothers. She spotted Nigel halfway toward the back wearing one of his signature tuxedoes and waved with both hands to get his attention.

Nigel crossed the room in seemingly three steps. “This must be my lucky day. Greetings, charming, sweet Emma.” Nigelkissed each of her cheeks before turning toward Paige and reaching for her hand. “I can’t believe Paige Daniels is standing in my wee shop.”

Paige brightened. “I guess you watch sports.”

“Not a big sports enthusiast, but I adored you on the evening news. I wish you’d return to that position, but who am I?”

Emma noticed a couple of customers recognized Paige since they were whispering and pointing. Once again, she felt like she rode on Paige’s wave but was secretly glad she wasn’t in the spotlight constantly.

Paige didn’t even notice the attention from bystanders. She gave Nigel her biggest, most perfect, television smile. “Thank you, sir. I’m flattered you watch ATV 10. I love meeting loyal viewers.”

“I’ll continue to be loyal as long as you never call me sir again. Please call me Nigel.”

Paige gave a little curtsy. “Nigel then.”

“Just Nigel.”

She giggled. “Okay, just Nigel.”

Are they flirting?Emma cleared her throat to get Nigel’s attention.

He took the hint but continued staring at Paige. “Don’t tell me you’re back to planning a wedding for the one and only Paige Daniels.”

Emma pretended to brush fake lint off her shoulder using her left hand. “Nope, it’s not for Paige this time.”

Nigel gasped as he reached for her hand. “I need sunglasses. You nearly blinded me with that rock. It’s a beaut. Who’s the lucky mate?” Putting a finger to his cheek, Nigel said, “Let me guess. The kindergarten teacher, right? You two couldn’t take your eyes off one another the last time I saw you.”

“You’re right. It’s Eli. Eli Hansen, known as Mr. Hansen to Lucy.”

Nigel snorted. “But of course. He was her teacher. And now he’s going to be”—his eyes widened—“her dad. What a turn of events. It’s spectacular, really.” He splayed his hand across his chest. “Of course, I would have fought for you, dear Emma, if we weren’t clearly in the friend zone.”

She winked. “You are a dear, dear friend.”

“Ditto.” Nigel scanned the store. “We have a lot of bloody work to do.”

Emma held out trembling hands. “I don’t know where to begin. You know what a mess I was trying to plan Paige’s wedding last year.”

Tugging on his chin, Nigel brightened. “But you have that beautiful dress, right? Didn’t Paige gift it to you?” Paige confirmed that she did, as Nigel added, “That’s very generous and a big item off your list, Emma. Let’s focus on that.” He made a big check mark in the air.

Emma reached for half a list she had written on the back of a bank receipt. “Uh, I guess I mostly need recommendations for”—she rubbed her forehead—"everything. I’m honestly not sure where to start. Maybe stationery so we can work on invitations?”

“We’ll get that sorted straight away,” Nigel said. “I have hundreds of examples and several good vendors.”

Shoulders slumped, Emma said, “Is there somewhere we can sit?”

“Bollocks. Of course, dear Emma. Where are my manners?” Nigel ushered the women toward the employee break room. “Would either of you fancy a cup of hot tea? I have a proper kettle somewhere”—he lifted a couple of veils an employee must have draped over the tea kettle. “Bugger, what a mess. I’m going to have a little chat with my employees straight away.”