Page 79 of Bride Games

“It’s okay now, Em.” Eli pulled her close. “Everything will be okay.” He nodded to the DJ to begin the music. The DJ announced, “May I present Mr. and Mrs. Hansen for their first dance.” As Emma and Eli swayed to “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri, she laid her head on his shoulder and whispered, “I feel so safe with you, and I will love you for a thousand years.”

“Good, babe. That’s so good.” Placing his arm around Emma’s back, Eli led her effortlessly around the dance floor as ifhe had been reincarnated from the famous dancer Fred Astaire. At the end of the song, Emma placed both arms around her husband’s neck and kissed him. “I didn’t realize you were such a great dancer. I love you, husband.” She kissed him again. “I also love saying that.”

Eli brushed a tendril off her face and traced the freckles along her nose. “I love you more, wife.”

They continued dancing as onlookers blew hundreds of bubbles from tiny orange and pink bottles. Emma noticed the photographer and videographer were capturing the moment and also observed seemingly everyone had a cellphone recording their first dance. Giggling, she said, “Surely, someone will catch our best angle.” Eli touched her nose. “You don’t have a bad angle or a bad freckle. It’s all perfect. You’re perfect.”

Snuggling against Eli, Emma couldn’t believe how the day had done a complete three-sixty. As the song came near an end, she glanced over at Lucy. Still shocked by all that had transpired, Emma kept her eye on her daughter as if she were made of a delicate seashell. Her heart lurched when she observed Lucy slip her hand inside Eli’s mother hand. After the song ended, Emma moved closer and strained to hear their conversation.

“Thank you for saving me,” Lucy said. “Are you Mr. Hansen’s Mommy?”

“Mr. Hansen is it?” Eli’s mother’s face softened. Eyes twinkling, Lana said, “Why, yes, I am Mr. Hansen’s mother.”

Emma scrutinized the interaction as Lucy processed this new information, questioning if she should intervene. She decided to let them get to know one another organically, even though she was slightly—okay, totally—eavesdropping. Emma scanned the room for her husband and noticed Mr. Snook and Dr. Ryder hadapproached Eli. Emma assumed he was either thanking them—or apologizing. Either tact would have been appropriate.

As Emma continued to gawk at Lucy and Lana, Paige wrapped her arm around Emma’s shoulders. “Tough day, huh?” Emma laughed. “Tough? Weird? Crazy? Shocking? Yeah, all of that.” Paige hugged her best friend who said, “I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.”

“Both reactions are in order, my friend, but put more weight on the positive side.” Paige put both hands on Emma’s shoulders and smiled. “Em, you’re a champ in my eyes. You should be given a trophy or a medal for the way you’ve handled this unbelievable situation.”

“Thank you, Paige. That means the world. I’m so glad you’re here because you never would have believed me, otherwise.” The friends chuckled as Emma nodded with her head. “Look at those two.”

Lucy appeared to be animatedly telling Eli’s mother a very long story. Lana listened as if Lucy were telling her a secret code to save the world. Eyes glistening, Emma said, “The fact that Eli’s mom put herself in harm’s way to save my little girl instantly endears me to her, even if she was an absolute witch earlier.”

“That she was. And a witch is putting it mildly, but I agree. Eli’s mother risked her life for your daughter, plus Lucy appears to be captivated by her.” Paige whispered, “I don’t know how the hell we’re going to edit this wedding video, but it’s going to be a barn burner, my friend.”

“You’ll probably get some kind of award for this one. Or maybe it’ll be on one of those funniest videos.”

Paige kissed Emma’s cheek. “I’m glad you still have your sense of humor. It’s truly a beautiful wedding. The students did an amazing job. I love all of their sweet touches. I made sure thecameraman took a million photos. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the most unique, precious wedding of the century.”

“I’m not sure if unique and wedding are meant to be in the same sentence”—Emma snorted—“but I agree with you. Hey, you said you have some news. What is it?” Emma peered at Eli who was chatting with Zach and Nigel.

“Oh, not too much news.” Paige crossed her arms and grinned wide. “I just got to fire that bitch Marie Fallon,andmy boss is letting me go back on the road to cover games with Zach.”

Gasping, Emma reached for Paige’s hand. “That’s incredible. I know you’ll be much happier on both counts.”

Paige beamed. “There’s more. Mr. Hales apparently figured out Zach and I were dating and said the station no longer needs to buy two hotel rooms.” She winked. “Things are looking up, Em. Way up.”

“So, no more Humble Pie podcast?”

“We’ll see. I may interview a few players on my podcast or I’ve toyed around with the idea of sending actual pies to the teams with the logo you created.” Paige laughed. “But can you imagine how many pies they’d eat? I’d probably go broke.”

“You’d definitely go broke. NFL players are big, but they’re healthy too, so maybe not.” Emma lowered her voice, “By the way, Zach has never taken his eyes off you the whole time we’ve been talking.”

“Really?” Paige cocked her head. “Well, now.”

“You’re blushing, Paige.” Emma turned back toward Lucy and Eli’s mom. “Those two are getting along as if they’ve known each other for years, just chatting away. If I didn’t know better, I’d expect Lucy to…she just did it”—Emma gasped as Lucy crawled into Lana’s lap.

“Wow. That’s something. It’s good, though, right?” Paige asked.

Emma shrugged. “I think so. Time will tell.”

Nigel and Zach approached. “Eli’s feeling lonely over there. We just went on a quick school tour in between songs.” Nigel glanced at Lucy and Eli’s mother. His eyebrows shot up. “I guess everything’s sorted?”

“I’m not sure I’d go that far,” Emma said, “but it’s clearly much better now. I’m off to dance with my husband. Thank you—all of you—for being here.” She gave them each a quick hug as she found Eli in the crowd.

The DJ said, “Is everyone ready to dance again? The next song is a lively oldie but goodie. This is for immediate family members—but Eli and Lucy, first.” Emma heard severalawwsand grinned so hard her face hurt as she watched Eli take Lucy’s hand and guide her to the dance floor. The room was filled with the festive, toe-tapping tune,“Celebration” by Kool & the Gang. Emma smiled and clapped with the beat as Eli twirled Lucy. Likewise, Lucy attempted to twirl Eli but he was too tall.When the song was half over, Eli motioned for Emma to join them. The threesome held hands and danced in a circle as the guests clapped to the music.

“Okay, everyone,” the DJ said, “let’s see your moves. Don’t be shy.” He played the amusing “Chicken Dance” song by accordion player Werner Thomas. Students, faculty, and guests stepped onto the dance floor, flapped their arms like wings, and danced in circles. Even Paige, Zach, Nigel, Dr. Ryder, and Mr. Snook joined in the fun. Emma watched as Lucy broke free and ran up to Eli’s mother. She tugged on the woman’s hand relentlessly until she finally got up. Cake smears still covered the front of Lana’s white, lacy dress. Eli’s mom appeared flummoxed by Lucy’s request but relented and followed Lucy to the dance floor.