Page 74 of Bride Games

Emma adjusted her strapless, beaded sweetheart gown for the hundredth time as she bent down to glance in the too-short elementary school bathroom mirror. Lucy watched in awe, gingerly touched her mom’s dress, and insisted she looked exactly like Cinderella.

“That she does.” Paige twisted one of Emma’s tendrils so that it hung perfectly below a beautiful sunflower tucked above a side bun. The ATV 10 photographer and videographer captured every moment until they were ushered into the hallway. “Guys, give us a moment. I think we need one more pee break before the ceremony.” Paige and Emma giggled as Paige held her dress while Emma attempted to squat over the short toilet.

“Never in a million years did I think I’d get married inside a school, let alone get dressed in a tiny bathroom.” Emma laughed until tears streaked down her face.

“Don’t laugh-cry. You’ll mess up your makeup.” Paige dabbed at her best friend’s face with a tissue while Emma washed her hands.

“What’s so funny, Mommy?”

“You’ll understand when you’re older, Luce.” Emma bent down to kiss her daughter’s cheek. “This is going to be the best day ever. Are you ready to carry the flower basket? Do you remember what to do?”

“Uh huh.” Lucy reached for Grace’s hand. Both girls were dressed in frilly hot pink dresses with rows of ruffles and wearing subtle silver tiaras. The girls couldn’t stop staring at their alternating orange and pink nails. “Grace will help me carry the big white basket.”

“That’s right. You can both reach into the basket and toss rose petals on the aisle before I walk down. Scatter them everywhere.”

Lucy stared up at her mom, face close to crumpling. “Will the man who cleans get mad at us? He works hard. He mops the floor all the time, Mommy.”

Emma stroked her daughter’s cheek. “That’s sweet of you to think about him, honey, but he won’t get mad. He’s well versed on our wedding. He’ll understand.”

“What’s versed?”

“I don’t have time for twenty questions, Luce. It means the janitor won’t get upset if we make a little mess.” She squeezed her daughter’s hands and kissed both Lucy and Grace. “It’s almost time, girls. Are you ready to walk down the aisle?” Emma glanced at Paige. “I guess they set up an aisle. I haven’t looked inside, have you?”

Paige beamed. “Oh, yeah. We got here an hour ago to take some pictures and video. It’s picture-perfect. Absolutely delightful. The school did an outstanding job.”

Emma blew out her breath. “That’s really, really good.” Locking eyes with her best friend, Emma said, “I’m more nervous than I thought I would be. I don’t know what to expect out there.”

Paige winked. “Perfection. Expect perfection.”

“I cannot wait to see their makeshift chapel. Since it was created by kids and teachers, it’ll be extra touching.” Emma’s face lit up. “You’re going to have an amazing community relations story on your hands. Okay, let’s do this.” Emma handed the girls an oversized overflowing basket of hot pink and orange rose petals. As they had rehearsed, both little girls reached for opposite ends of the handle. “Very good. That way it won’t spill. Paige will help you if you forget when to start walking. Just remember to listen for the music before you start.”

“I ’member.” Lucy glanced around the girls’ bathroom. “Where’s Mr. Hansen?”

This time Paige giggled. “Eli’s already in the cafeteria. He’s waiting for your mom, the beautiful bride.” She paused. “And waiting for you, too, Lucy.” Paige motioned with her head for the photographer and videographer to follow as she guided the young girls toward the hallway. “Let’s go.”

Paige stood at the end of the make-shift aisle between two sets of folding chairs set up theater style and covered with white fabric. Aisle chairs on each row were adorned with huge orange and pink bows with sunflowers arranged artfully and tucked inside. When the music began, Paige urged Lucy and Grace to begin sprinkling petals. “Go ahead, girls. Make a pretty path for your mommy to walk on, Lucy.”

As the song, “You are so Beautiful” by Joe Cocker, filled the cafeteria, Lucy and Grace began tossing orange and pink rose petals. Paige stood close behind and whispered, “Walk a little slower, girls.” She turned to Zach who was escorting her and also serving as best man. “You look handsome in that tux.”

“I can’t take my eyes off you. You take my breath away, Paige.”

“Aw, thanks.” Paige linked her arm through Zach’s, keeping her voice low as they took a few steps. “Guess what? I’m goingback on the road with you. And…we get to share a hotel room. Mr. Hales knows about us.”

“What?” Zach’s mouth dropped open.

“I said what I said.” Paige wiggled her eyebrows. “Be cool. They’re photographing us.” Wedding guests watched as Paige smiled and said, “I’ll fill you in later.” Beaming as they approached Eli and Nigel, Paige added, “After firing Marie and getting my job back, I’m going to enjoy every moment of this day.”


Emma stood in the hallway outside the cafeteria, hands sweaty, wondering if the guests could hear her heartbeat.It’s just Eli, the man you love, your daughter, your best friend, Nigel, and about a hundred students, teachers, your author clients, and friends. No big deal. Just the day I’ve always dreamed of.She chided herself.Calm down, Em.

As the traditional wedding march began, Emma stepped into the cafeteria which no longer looked like a school cafeteria. She sucked in her breath when she saw the beautiful chairs set up theater style and decorated with their wedding colors and sunflowers. The memory of the sunflower field where Eli said he wanted to date her immediate calmed her. As she took a step on top of the rose petals, she glanced at the walls covered in hearts, some interlocking, some delightfully misshapen, and some with Eli and Emma written inside. There were tiny orange and pink hand prints in the shape of hearts and big beautiful stained-glass windows, again in their colors. Emma couldn’t believe how tasteful—and charming—everything looked. It was better than any wedding planner could pull off. Much better.

Feeling more confident, Emma smiled at onlookers, young and old, and nearly gasped when she spotted a smiling Eliwho watched her every move with tears in his eyes. He, Zach, Paige, and Nigel stood before an arched altar. The sides and top were covered in massive pink and orange paper mâché flowers. Dressed in a light gray tuxedo with a soft orange silk tie, Eli had never looked more handsome. Emma felt goosebumps on both arms as Eli held her gaze. She reminded herself to walk slowly as she took in the sweet surroundings when she’d rather run into his arms.

As she approached the altar, a delighted Paige stood on one side wearing the sleek sexy orange dress with hot pink detail. Lucy and Grace stood beside Paige in their frilly dresses. Emma winked at Lucy who winked back. Nigel and Zach were dressed in the same gray tuxedoes and orange ties as Eli.

Nigel smiled at Emma before he asked everyone to be seated. Eli whispered, “You look beautiful.” Emma stared at her husband-to-be but couldn’t speak. She sniffed, wishing she had tucked a tissue inside her sunflower bouquet that featured hot pink and orange ribbons wrapped around the stems.