Page 73 of Bride Games

“Oh, but I can. I recorded you while you were speaking on my podcast, not that it was necessary. It’ll all be shared far andwide soon, as in immediately. If I’ve learned anything about social media, it’s that information spreads like wildfire, true or not.” She locked eyes with Marie. “But I didn’t want Human Resources to wait.” Paige turned to Zach. “Ready to go to HR? You’re my witness.”

He grinned as he cocked his head in amazement. “Anything you say, boss.”


Human Resources did quick work after seeing the documents regarding the hateful social media hashtags, along with payments to influencers, in Marie’s handwriting. The director listened to Marie’s admission on Paige’s podcast about her attempt to destroy Paige’s credibility and career. She also took Zach’s testimony as a witness. With the deluge of incriminating evidence, it didn’t take long for the director to confirm the termination of Marie Fallon and conduct an exit interview.

Paige was thrilled the dominoes had finally fallen. She couldn’t wait to restore her honor and get her coveted job back. She retreated to her office with a smile plastered on her face. Minutes later, the director knocked on Paige’s door.

“Hi, Paige. I wanted to let you know I’m going to send a vague station-wide memo that ATV 10 has parted ways with Marie Fallon. We don’t need to play in the dirt like she did. We need to protect ATV 10’s reputation, even though”—she nodded—“I realize that flies in the face of what you’ve been through. You’ll win everyone back in short order. I know it. I’ll also alert Mr. Hales and provide all of the documentation once he returns. But you’re the boss. Handle this on your end however you please.”The HR director smiled, adding, “I never believed those stupid trending hashtags. I knew someone had to be behind it, but I never dreamed it was one of our own.” She shook her head. “That’s cutthroat. I can’t imagine how you feel.”

“Thank you. I feel as if an invisible one-hundred-pound backpack had been lifted off my back. I agree with a station-wide memo and keeping it professional. I think it’s better if everything comes from you. Again, thanks for staying late to get on this.”

After the director left her office, Paige made a promise to herself to ignore any social media fallout, if only for a day or two. She wanted to concentrate on editing her community relations story before the wedding and actually enjoy Emma and Eli’s big day. She stepped down the hallway to the editing bay, cued up the teacher interviews about their wedding projects, and felt her heart swell as she reminisced about their sweet projects. Three hours later, she rubbed her aching shoulders, convinced she had captured the heart and brains behind the upcoming school-wide story.I just have to add the actual wedding. I know this will be an award-winning exclusive. Viewers—and Mr. Hales—will love it.At the last minute, she scheduled an update on the station’s website to appear the evening before the wedding as a teaser for the audience.

Realizing she needed to get her dress from Bride & Joy, Paige reminded the videographer that the wedding was tomorrow. She stepped outside, got in her car, and called Zach. “I’m going to Bride & Joy. Want me to pick up your tux?”

“I went by before I came to the office. My tux is in my car.” He let out a long whistle. “Nothing like cramming a million thingsinto one day, huh? I’m still in shock about Marie, Paige. I would have refused to work with her had I known. You handled that situation like a pro. I don’t know how you held it together, but wow. You’re incredible. I hope you and I can go back on the road and cover games soon.”

“Thanks. I know you would have refused. She shocked all of us—for a while anyway.” Paige yawned. “Wish we could celebrate tonight, but I’m beat. I’ll see you at the wedding tomorrow. It’ll be a nice, calm change of pace.”

“Calm sounds nice. I can’t wait to see you in your orange dress.” Zach chuckled. “See you tomorrow, babe.”


Paige hung the orange satin gown with the sexy hot pink cutout in her closet, which Nigel had already steamed and put in a clear bag. She set out ivory heels and an ivory clutch for the wedding, and took a deep breath.I can finally relax now that Marie’s gone.Paige stepped into her kitchen and made an open-faced egg salad sandwich topped with avocado slices. No chips. Just seltzer water.I don’t want to be bloated tomorrow.

She sat on the couch, head spinning, as she recounted the past few crazy weeks, especially how it had all unraveled—and by chance.Still jittery after the urgency with Marie’s dismissal, the podcast confession, and editing part of her wedding story, Paige stepped back into the kitchen.Maybe one glass of wine won’t hurt. I should celebrate this hard-fought victory.As she poured chardonnay in a wineglass, her cellphone rang. Staring at the screen, Paige could see that it was her boss. “Hello, Mr. Hales. I hope you’re enjoying sunshine and clear skies.” She paused. “I assume you’ve heard the news.”

“Thanks, Paige. This has been a once-in-a-lifetime trip. And, yes, I heard from Human Resources. I wanted to let you know that you handled Marie Fallon’s firing perfectly. I’m shocked and appalled that she was behind all of this. I don’t understand socialmedia like younger folks, especially hashtags. But from what I hear, negative trending hashtags are bad. Really bad. I didn’t have any idea someone could make them up and pay people to post them. Er, what are they called?”

“Influencers,” Paige supplied.

“That’s the term. That’s unethical in my view. I didn’t know anyone could pay influencers to write lies about someone in a public online forum.”

Paige snorted. “Oh, yeah. Unfortunately, it’s a big problem for many, especially celebrities, athletes, and politicians.” Paige stared at the ceiling with relief. “Thanks boss. That means a lot. I had a list of possible suspects. Marie was on my list but she wasn’t at the top. It shocked me as well.” Paige took a sip of her wine for fortitude before asking, “Does this mean I’m going back on the road with Zach to cover games?

“You bet it does and”—Mr. Hales laughed—“something tells me the station doesn’t need to waste any more money on two hotel rooms.”

“Uh…oh, my goodness. Busted, I guess.” Paige felt her cheeks redden. “Is it that obvious? Yes, boss, Zach and I are dating, but we’ll always,alwayskeep it professional. I hope it isn’t a problem.”

“That’s all I could ask for—professionalism at games and at the station. No kissing in the hallways, okay?” Mr. Hales chuckled. “Honestly, it’s not a problem on my end. You two are the real deal.”

“Thank you. What a relief to get that out in the open. While I have you on the phone, I have a scoop on a local community relations story that you’re going to love. Our viewers will eat it up.”

“Great. Give me a short synopsis. My wife is already waiting at the captain’s table.”

“In a nutshell, my best friend, Emma, is marrying her daughter’s former kindergarten teacher. They’re getting married at the school where they met. Her daughter still attends the school, and Eli is one of the school’s teachers. I met with the principal and several teachers at Appledale Elementary to hear about their wedding projects. All of the teachers and students have embraced this wholeheartedly. It’s going to be fabulous. They’re handling decorations and food. They’ve even included wedding projects in their curriculum for art, career day, history, and math. It’s going to be charming and historic.”

“Great job, Paige. That’ll be a heartwarming story. Before we hang up, let me say, I clearly misread Marie Fallon. I have a feeling you had her pegged all along. I feel partially responsible since I hired her and pulled you off the field. That’s on me. I apologize. It won’t happen again. You’re a star. Tell everyone at ATV 10 I said hello.”

When they hung up, Paige shouted, “Yes!” in her living room and did a fist bump.Take that Marie. Now, I can focus on Emma’s wedding tomorrow and get back to doing what I love. Zach won’t believe this.


Wedding Day