Page 66 of Bride Games

“Bloody brilliant, right?” Grinning, he said, “I knew it would come in handy with my shop. A great tie-in, don’t you think?”

“You’re my savior. I can’t wait to tell Paige.” Emma wiped sweat off her top lip and reached for both of his hands. “Nigel, will you please do Eli and me the honor of marrying us?”

“I thought you’d never ask. I’d be chuffed to perform your wedding ceremony.”



Weary from her managerial responsibilities and from missing Zach who had been on the road for weeks, Paige’s heart swelled when she saw a smiley face note on her computer screen with the message:

I miss you.

Flattered but unsure after the strange notes over the weeks and social media uproar, Paige also felt uneasy since the note wasn’t signed. She stepped down the hall and asked her assistant if anyone had been in her office.

“I haven’t seen anyone but I got up for coffee a couple of times.”

Paige stepped back inside her office—Mr. Hales’ office, to be exact—and glanced around to see if anything looked disturbed.Did Trent sneak in or did one of his spies? Maybe Zach is having a change of heart.As Paige held the yellow sticky note, she turned when she heard a familiar voice at her door.

“I’m glad I can still make you smile. And I do miss you.”

Paige nearly burst into tears. “I miss you too, Zach. Alot. Come in.” She closed her office door and wanted to wrap herarms around his neck and kiss him in the middle of the all-glass office but settled on a big goofy smile. “You don’t know how happy this makes me.”

“Glad to hear it. I think—I know—I might have overreacted. I’m crazy about you, Paige. When I heard about you with Trent at the hotel and saw the roses, I went a little nu?—”

“Shh.” Paige reached for his hand and led him to a corner in the conference room behind her boss’s office. She scouted out a corner away from windows and behind a tall rubber plant. Paige led him to the blind spot. Tracing the outline of Zach’s face, she said, “I’ll never let Trent get between us again.”

“Good.” Zach kissed her back—twice—before saying, “I propose a peace treaty dinner at Coral Restaurant tonight. What do you say?”

“I say what time?”

Paige left work an hour early and had already changed clothes three times.A peace treaty dinner has to be a good sign. I’ve got to come clean to him about everything.She decided on a low-cut silky teal blouse, a tight black skirt, wedge leopard print shoes, and silver hoop earrings.

Driving to Coral Restaurant, her heart pounded with anticipation. Once inside, Paige spotted Zach along the wall. She rushed across the room and took a seat beside him. A glass of wine was already poured for each of them.


“For what?” Zach asked as he raised his glass.

“For the wine. Actually, for everything—but mainly for giving me a second chance.” Paige clinked her glass with his. “Here’s to our peace treaty dinner.”

“You look beautiful, Paige.” His smile faded. “But I haven’t been a saint.”

Paige’s face fell.I should have worn higher heels, more perfume, and gotten my nails done or something. I knew this was too good to be true.She found her voice and asked what had been on her mind for weeks. “Did you sleep with Marie?”

Zach almost spewed his wine. “No, God no.” He avoided Paige’s gaze as he gave a half shrug. “I think she wanted to but I wasn’t about to go there.”

“IknewMarie had the hots for you.” Paige eyed Zach over her wineglass. “Why didn’t you? She’s attractive in an over-the-top Dolly Parton way,” quickly adding, “I love Dolly. Nothing against her.”

“Yeah, and she knows it. Marie’s a huge flirt. She flirts with every player, coach, reporter, hotel clerk, server, bartender, you name it.” Zach shook his head. “Not my type.”

Feeling immediate relief, Paige knew she had to come clean. “Those flower bouquets weren’t all from Trent. In fact, I got two bouquets from an anonymous person.”

“Anonymous?” Zach’s eyes bored into her. “Did the card say anything?”

“Yeah, sort of threatening messages.”

“Threatening?” Zach’s voice rose. “Why didn’t you tell me?” His face changed to concern. “I don’t like this, Paige. Not at all.” Zach folded his arms. “And here I was lollygagging around the country with Marie.”