“That sounds delicious, but I have to get into the wedding dress you graciously gave me.” Emma stared at the menu. “The spinach ravioli sounds good. That’s a few less calories.” She handed the menu to the server who was already topping off their wine.
“Salads for either of you?”
“House salad,” Paige said.
After the server was out of earshot, Paige said, “Why did I decide to fly to that stupid football game?” She rubbed her temples. “I brought this all on myself.”
“Uh, actually, I remember suggesting you might want to go to a game incognito. I’m to blame too.” Emma winced. “Sorry I suggested it.”
“I’m a big girl. It was my decision.” Paige rearranged the cutlery on the table.
“But you also went because you care about Zach and wanted to make sure he and Marie weren’t an item. Am I right?”
Nodding, Paige folded and refolded her napkin. “You’re right, and I still don’t know. If they weren’t before, they probably will have full reign now. I’m so stupid.” Paige sighed. “Can you believe Trent was in the same airport at the same time? What are the odds?”
Emma steepled her fingers as she studied Paige. “I’m not sure how to ask this.” She paused. “Don’t be mad but did you feel any chemistry for Trent? I mean, you two were engaged a year ago.”
Paige took a long sip of wine before answering. “No, chemistry. But I did return his kiss.”
Emma’s eyes bulged. “Oh, my God. You kissed him? Paige!”
“He kissed me in the middle of the night. I was sound asleep and dreaming about Zach. I thought I was kissing him.”
Emma stared at the ceiling. “Yikes, Paige.”
“Tell me about it—” Paige stopped as the server put two salads and heaping piles of steaming pasta on the table. “Let’s eat. Maybe we can hatch a plan if we have full bellies.”
Paige and Emma ate mostly in silence. Feeling embarrassed, Paige said, “I hope you don’t think less of me. This was purely a coincidental accident. I know it sounds shady but it wasn’t.”
Wiping her mouth, Emma said, “You couldn’t disappoint me if you tried. Best friends always stick together. I know it was an accident. I know you didn’t have some planned escapade with Trent.”
“But that’s probably how it looks to Zach. Thanks for your support, though.” Paige set her fork down. “I think I’ll have them box the rest of this up. I’m stuffed.” She yawned. “Everything is falling apart. I hate my job as the station manager, I miss being on the road and attending games, the fans and players think I’m a fraud, and now, I’ve screwed up my budding relationship with the sweetest guy I’ve ever known.” Paige shook her head. “I’ve either got to laugh or cry. My life sucks right now.”
“It does. It truly does suck.” Emma winked. “I never thought my life would be better than my glamorous best friend’s, but here we are.”
Paige threw her balled up napkin at Emma. “Thanks for lightening my mood. Can you also figure out a way for me to get my boyfriend back, and if it isn’t too much trouble, get me back in the career that I love?”
“Let me think about it.” Emma shoved two more ravioli in her mouth. “It’s not like I have anything major going on likea wedding or anything. By the way, this food is scrumptious. I didn’t realize how tired I was of fish sticks, chicken fingers, and mac ‘n cheese.”
“You’re living the dream, Em.” Paige made a motion to the server to bring the bill. “I know you’ve got a lot going on. I’ll figure something out. Maybe I should get my career back on track first so I can go back on the road with Zach.” She rolled her eyes. “Trending was great fun when I went viral a few times, but this kind of trending is as welcome as a guest who overstays by two weeks.”
“You’ll figure something out. Zach will come around.” Emma reached for the ticket. “Why don’t you let me pay this time?”
“Because you have a wedding budget. And I don’t even have a boyfriend.”
Lost in her thoughts after hearing Paige’s predicament the previous night, Emma jolted as an extra-exuberant Lucy bounded inside her vehicle in the school’s parking lot. Lucy had barely climbed inside when she thrust a paper in front of her mom. “Mommy, pweaze sign this. It’s for a trip tomorrow.”
“A trip already? Appledale is certainly an active school.” Emma scanned the document which read:
I give permission for my child to go on a field trip to the local Dollar Store tomorrow. We’ll be shopping for items for a special school-wide event. Your signature below indicates you allow your child to go on this trip. Students will be accompanied by their teacher, plus some parental volunteers. We will transport them via school bus. Also, please send one dollar tomorrow, if you’re able. If not, Miss Ainsley will cover the fee. Thank you.