Page 60 of Bride Games

Zach jerked his arm away. “Naked? Honestly? The bastard.” Zach shook his head as he stared at the floor. “Did you make out?”

Tears pricked Paige’s eyes. “I tried putting rolled-up towels between us but Trent promised he’d stay on his side.”

“Oh, I bet he did,” Zach deadpanned. “So, did he kiss you or no?—”

In a small voice, Paige admitted, “He kissed me in the middle of the night.”

“I’ve heard enough.” Zach crossed the room in seemingly three steps. “Thanks for the pizza.” He didn’t bother turning back as he fiddled with the doorknob.

As he shut the front door hard, Paige shouted, “I thought I was kissingyou, not him. I’m sorry. It was an unfortunate, ridiculous mis-.” But Zach was already outside and unlocking his car. Paige watched as he peeled out of her driveway.Damn you, Trent.



With full bellies after eating slow-cooked pot roast, carrots, and mashed potatoes, Emma loaded the dishwasher and instructed Lucy she had one hour to watch a show before bedtime.

Once Eli returned from taking out the trash, he led Emma to the couch. “I hope you don’t mind but I took some liberties with your schedule. I think your authors will understand. Besides, they know you’re on a limited schedule now, correct?”

“Yeah, they’ve been great. I sent a blast email to all of my clients explaining how busy I am—we are—in planning our wedding by ourselves.” Emma turned her body to face Eli on the couch. “Exactly what do you have in mind, fiancé?”

“Fiancé. I’ll never get tired of hearing that.” Eli winked. “Actually, husband sounds even better. I can’t wait until our wedding day.”

“Me neither.” Emma blew out her breath. “Please don’t get the wrong idea.” Emma held Eli’s face in her hands. “I love you so, so much. This is a dream come true for me, and for Lucy. The fact that you’ve embraced both of us and want to be a fam—” her voice cracked. “I hope you understand I’m not questioning anyof that. Not even the tiniest amount. I don’t have any doubts, it’s just the preparation is?—”

“Exactly.” Eli kissed both of Emma’s cheeks. “It’s getting to you. I don’t like it that you’re stressed. This should be the happiest day of your life, of mine, and Lucy’s. But it’s overwhelming you. I think you need a break, that’s all.”

“A break? If anything, I needmoretime.” Emma’s brows knitted together. “What do you mean by a break?”

“A short break. Maybe just a little day trip. I’m still planning it.”

Emma grinned. “Okay, mystery man. A day off sounds like bliss.”

“Good. Meanwhile, mind if we start a game night tradition with Lucy? That’s a good way to be together—and to bring the stress level down.”

“You sound like the perfect man in a romance novel about now.” Emma kissed Eli. “I love that idea. What games should we start with? I have several in my laundry room: Uno, Old Maid, Yahtzee, Dominoes, Clue, Candyland, Checkers….”

“Old school. I love it. Let’s let Lucy decide.”

Once Lucy decided on Uno, the threesome sat at the kitchen table while Lucy attempted to shuffle the cards. Emma popped popcorn while Lucy told Eli the directions in great detail. Eli paid rapt attention as if he were learning a new language.

Emma put the popcorn in three small bowls, handed them each a napkin, and said, “Who goes first?”

“Me!” shouted Lucy, and game night was born.



Paige barely saw Zach since he was again traveling nonstop to games. With Marie, naturally. When he was at the station, he avoided her as if she had leprosy. If she were walking down the hallway, he’d turn to go the other way. Marie seemed to know what had happened with Trent, gave her sideways glances, and made sure she giggled with Zach in front of Mr. Hales’ office where Paige was stationed until eternity it seemed—or at least until her boss returned from his long-ass cruise.

Shuffling paperwork around her desk, Paige attempted to concentrate but was constantly interrupted by employee matters. Instead of doing her management duties, she found herself checking the NFL schedule and wishing she had never gone to spy on Zach and Marie.I never should have gone. Everything backfired and now Zach hates me.

She took a call from their promotions office and had barely set the receiver down when the phone rang again. “Paige Daniels, ATV 10.”

“Hello, Paige Daniels. This is your fiancé. I thought we should go to dinner tonight at our favorite restaurant.”

Paige bristled when she heard Trent’s voice. “You’re no longer my fiancé, and we do not have a favorite restaurant.”