Page 51 of Bride Games

Nigel took two steps and embraced Emma as the impatient bridal party gawked. He lowered his voice. “I think this is enough for today. If you figure out one item at a time, that’s onemore piece sorted. You know I’ll put rush orders on anything you want, so no need to fret. We can take items off the shelf if necessary. Take care of yourself and your daughter, dear Emma.” He placed an arm around her shoulders. “The majority of my brides get overwhelmed. Your emotions are all perfectly natural.”

“They are?” A single tear rolled down Emma’s check. “Because it feels so wrong to be upset during one of the happiest times of my life. I’m not sure Eli would understand my crazy emotions.”

Shepherding them back toward the dressing room, Nigel said, “Eli understands perfectly and has texted me a few times for advice. He knows you’re stressed out.” Nigel winked. “In fact, he has a plan to destress you.”

“A plan?” Emma’s brows furrowed. “Now, I’m even more confused.”

“Why don’t you get the wee lass changed and come into the break room for a biscuit.”

Lucy scrunched her face. “I don’t like biscuits.”

Emma bent down. “That’s what Nigel calls cookies. He’s from another country, remember?”

“I know. He talks funny, but he’s nice.”

Nigel’s smile nearly reached his ears. “I also have crisps. I bet you like those.”

Emma laughed. “I needed that. Those are chips, right? I could use a chip about now.”

In the breakroom, Emma and Lucy sat at a table covered in floral-covered headbands, tiaras, and a massive pile of veils. Nigel pushed them aside and offered tea.

“Thank you, but I think we’ll head home. I appreciate the offer, though. You’re so kind. Eli is probably at my house by now.”

“No worries. I sent the mate photos of wee Lucy. Hope you don’t mind. Eli loves the dresses, by the way.”

“See, I even forgot to take photos. It’s a good thing I’m not a wedding planner.” Emma laughed. “Can you imagine Paige thought I could plan her wedding last year. It would have been a disaster—and televised at that.” She shook her head. “What a calamity that would have been.”

“I think both of you dodged a wedding cake.” Nigel reassured Emma once again that everything would be delightful. “Your wedding will be brilliant. We’ll get everything sorted.” He handed Lucy another sucker but told her to wait until after dinner. Glancing at Emma, he added, “Not bad for a non-parent, right?”

“You’d be an awesome parent. Thank you for helping me with everything. I couldn’t do this without you.” Emma wrapped her arms around Nigel’s waist while Lucy, apparently thinking it was time for a group hug, wrapped her little arms around his legs. “Why are we hugging, Mommy?”

Emma and Nigel both cracked up. “Because Nigel is helping with our wedding plans.”

“Can I help, Mommy?”

Emma bent down until she was face to face with her daughter. “You will be the important flower girl. You get to carry a special white basket and throw beautiful rose petals on the floor.”

“Oh! Will they be pink?”

Shaking her head, Emma said, “Here we go with the color scheme again.” She thanked Nigel again before escorting Lucy outside. “Who’s hungry?”



Ican’t wait to surprise Zach at the football game. Hopefully, he won’t be upset. Besides, this will satisfy me that he and Marie Fallon are truly just colleagues and nothing more.Paige sipped her morning coffee while she studied her closet, deciding on a sexy red dress and zebra print heels to wear after the game in case they went to dinner. She donned a purple turtleneck sweater and oversized gold hoop earrings to blend in with the Vikings crowd. As she pulled on black jeans and boots, Paige noticed a big black floppy hat on the top shelf of her closet. She reached for the hat to disguise herself in the stands. Glancing around her bedroom and bathroom for last-minute items, she stuffed PJs—which she might or might not need—her phone charger, toiletries, and a change of clothes for the following day. Since she was now the “boss” at ATV 10 she could arrive to work whenever she wanted. Paige made a mental note to call her assistant and cancel all of her Monday meetings. A smile spread across her face.Maybe if things go well with Zach, I’ll ask my assistant to cancel Tuesday’s meetings as well.

Paige dumped the coffee remains down the sink and started the dishwasher. She reached for her laptop, a book, her purse, and oversized black sunglasses.No one can recognize me. Thelast thing I want is to be recognized and booed at the game.Shuddering at the thought, Paige locked the door and started her car.

The first flight was on time and smooth. Paige’s pulse raced at the thought of surprising Zach. She strolled through the airport of the connecting flight but stiffened when she noticed an unusually large crowd staring at their phones and grumbling. Many long-faced passengers stared at the American Airlines flight schedule. Paige’s face clouded when she noted cancellation after cancellation on the screen. After she went to the restroom, she received an alert on her phone and nearly jumped up and down with glee.My flight’s apparently the only one that’s on time and departing.Paige swiftly made her way to the gate, took a seat, and opened a novel. A few pages in, she realized the book was a thriller about a plane crash.My God. I hope this isn’t an omen.

She winced but tried to concentrate while at the same time pushing aside doubts that Zach wouldn’t be happy to see her.I hope this isn’t a mistake.Paige read several pages but stopped when she heard angry murmurs from nearby passengers. She peered up at the sign behind the ticket agents and saw FLIGHT CANCELED in large letters.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Paige said aloud to strangers who nodded miserably. “Yep,” said a young guy who added, “I’m going to the bar.” A younger woman broke down in tears saying she was on her way to a class reunion, while an older couple stood in the center of the room staring at the sign as if it were written in Latin or Chinese, or maybe even shorthand.

Paige wanted to help them all, especially the older couple, but she had to get to that game. She asked an airport employee where customer service was located and made her way to Gate 38. As she approached, she groaned when she saw lines of people snaked around the customer service desk, which happened to be located near a bar. Paige really,reallywanted to skip the line and go straight to the bar, but she was on a mission.

She stared at her cellphone to see if there were any updates on her flight. Nada. She stood in the line which moved like molasses through an IV. Paige’s heart hammered. She considered chartering a plane and charging it to the station. Of course, the accountants would notice a twenty-or thirty-thousand-dollar charge immediately, call me, or worse, call Mr. Hales, and my covert mission would be blown. She sighed.Better to stand in this Godforsaken line.