Page 41 of Bride Games

Nodding, Emma said, “Got it. Relax.”

After they placed their orders, Paige waited until the server was completely across the room before clicking the end of her pen. “Whose idea was this and how did you get the school to agree?”

“Are you interviewing me?” Emma giggled. “It’s kind of weird since you’re my best friend.” She clearly noticed the desperation in Paige’s face. “Okay, okay. Here’s how it all happened.” Emma stopped talking when the server brought their food, put her napkin in her lap, and picked up her story with more details about the all-school assembly.

“This is so great. I hope I can read my scribbles.” Paige had already filled out two pages. “Our viewers will love this story.”

Emma took a large bite of salad that nearly got lodged in her throat as realization hit her. “Don’t tell me you want to televise our wedding. I just thought—I don’t know what I thought.”

Paige talked fast, likely before Emma could change her mind. “It’ll be adorable. Such a sweet thing for kids and parents alike. Please think about it.” She paused. “I’d also like to mention it on our social media right before the ceremony, maybe a day before, so viewers can watch online.” She brightened. “I bet it’ll go viral. In a good way instead of these blasted sports comments.”

Emma’s brows furrowed. “I don’t know, Paige. I know you’re used to being in the limelight but I’m not. I’ll need to discuss this with Eli—and Lucy.”

“That’s fine. I understand. No coercion from me.” Winking, Paige said, “Okay, maybe just a little. Kidding!” Her face fell. “But according to last quarter’s ratings, Trent’s station is closing in on ATV 10. He’d love nothing better than to put us back in the number two spot.” She fiddled with her wine stem. “I don’twant to talk about that jerk. Tell me more. Who is handling the decorations? The food? The cake?”

Emma stabbed a cherry tomato that kept eluding her. “The teachers and students. We’ve decided to give them full reign. Less stress, you know?”

“Seriously?” Paige’s eyebrows shot up and stayed high as if she had just had too much Botox. “Little kids are going to make your wedding decorations? Actually”—she grinned—“that’ll be darling. See why this is the greatest story? I guess you’re giving them a few guidelines, though.” She poised her pen above a tablet as she waited for Emma’s response.

“Very few. Just the color scheme and sunflowers, basically. After Eli resigned from the school last year to date me, he met up with me in a sunflower field while I was on Lucy’s field trip. He broke off his engagement to be with little old me—a single mom who is a mess most days.” Chuckling, she added, “I still can’t believe it.”

“You’re not a mess. But see. This keeps getting better and better. It’s becoming a novel. A heartwarming, sweet love story.” Paige’s eyes glistened. “I’m really happy for you, Em. You deserve this. He deserves you. And little Lucy seems elated. I’m glad one of us is happy.”

Emma squeezed Paige’s hand. “You’ll find love again. I was hoping it would be with Zach, but maybe that isn’t in the cards since you both work at ATV 10. That’s got to be complicated.” She bristled. “Back to Marie. I saw her on ESPN once. She’s such a flirt.”

Rolling her eyes, Paige said, “Don’t get me started. She has it out for me, I think. Marie Fallon is pulling out all the stops to not only get my job but also my guy.”

“He seems crazy about you, though.” Emma wiped her mouth, placed her napkin over her mostly empty plate, and yawned.

Paige mirrored her friend’s yawn. “Em, I know this is a lot. Please think about it. Talk to Eli and Lucy. I really, really want this story but you have to be comfortable with it. I would never tread on your wedding day if I weren’t welcomed with open arms. I promise we’ll still be best friends no matter your decision.”

“Thank you for saying that. I’ll—we’ll—take it under serious consideration.” Emma giggled. “That sounds so official. I know you’d have our best interests in mind, and I do want you to get the best community relations story ever. I just wasn’t expecting this.” Emma reached for her purse. “I promise I’ll let you know soon.”



Unlocking her front door, Emma immediately relaxed when she saw the darkened living room with the television sound so low it might have well as been on mute. That meant Lucy was in bed. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she spotted Eli on the couch. He patted the cushion beside him.

Placing her purse and keys on the coffee table, she kissed her fiancé. “How did it go tonight? I bet you didn’t plan on being a babysitter so soon. What did you two do?”

“It was a piece of cake. I ordered a pizza, we painted nearly every princess in her coloring book, and we watched an older movie called,We Bought a Zoo.” Eli winked. “Now, Lucy thinks we should buy a zoo. Sorry. Know of any on the market?”

Emma burst into laughter. “Uh, maybe we could get a monkey.”

“Seriously?” Eli’s eyebrows shot up.

“No way.” Emma shook her head. “But I bet you would if Lucy wanted one.” Emma kissed him again. “I love you. Have I ever told you that?”

“Not since you left to meet with Paige.” Eli reached for Emma’s hand. “How was your dinner? Anything new with your TV star friend?”

Emma leaned against Eli’s shoulder and debated whether to cushion Paige’s request or blurt it out. She decided on the latter. “She wants to televise our wedding.”

“What?” Eli stared at her with wide eyes. “Why?”

“Her boss wants her to land a big community relations story. Something unique. He wants ATV 10 to remain number one in their market; I guess Trent’s station is closing in, ratings wise. I don’t understand the numbers game but she really,reallywants the exclusive on our story.” Emma studied her fiancé’s baffled face. “You hate the idea. I can tell.” She reached for her cellphone. “I’ll text her right now. Might as well rip the Band-aid off.”

Eli reached for Emma’s phone and placed it on the coffee table. “Don’t text her. I just wasn’t expecting this. At all. How do you think Lucy will react?”