“I am, but this author is new, it’s for her debut, and she’s desperate. She actually cried.”
Winking, Eli said, “Oldest trick in the book.”
Emma gave him a playful punch. “It was real. She was truly upset, but I don’t know anything about her genre.”
“Why don’t you tell me all about it while we drive to a Mexican restaurant. They’re always fast.”
As they walked inside the, thankfully, half-empty restaurant, Eli turned to Emma. “I’ve got it. Since her novel is about race car drivers, why not put her book cover or logo on those little car coasters. You know, the ones that go in cup holders.”
Emma squealed and wrapped both arms around his neck. “You’re brilliant. Those would be perfect, plus they’re affordable.” She planted a kiss on his mouth while Lucy said, “Mommy, you’re kissing Mr. Hansen.”
“Indeed, I am. We’re getting married, you know?”
“Uh huh.” Lucy tugged on her mother’s hand. “I’m hungry.”
After dropping a jubilant Lucy off at school since she and Grace were now in the same class, Emma drove straight to her favorite coffee shop and ordered a cinnamon dolce latte. As she settled in a corner booth with her laptop, Emma took a long sip before opening her computer.I’ve got to lock down more wedding details.She clicked on a few of her favorite wedding links before remembering she needed to call the new author, who answered on the first ring.
Emma smiled when the young woman offered a breathless, “Hello.” Emma exchanged pleasantries before telling Mindy she had some ideas. The young author—at least she sounded young—burst into tears. “I knew you’d come to my rescue. Thank you, Emma.”
“Wait until you hear my ideas first. We didn’t really discuss price points, so I have two options after researching car racing and NASCAR websites. It seems most of the guys wear ballcaps when they aren’t wearing a safety helmet. But those would cost more and be bulky to mail.”
Mindy groaned. “Yeah, sounds like it. What’s your other idea?”
“Actually, my fiancé thought of this. Since your novel is about cars, he suggested those little car coasters that you put inside drink holders. I could add your?—”
“Perfect. That’s absolutely perfect. What could you put on them and how much are they?”
“Anything really. I could add your book cover, website, a QR code or?—”
“What’s a QR code?”
She is green.Emma smiled as two college students wearing bulky backpacks plunked them on a nearby table. She hoped they wouldn’t be rowdy and breathed a sigh of relief when each of them opened laptops. “A QR code is something authors, restaurants, and other businesses use to sell their products directly to consumers.”
Mindy groaned. “You’re over my head already.”
“They’re easy peasy. You know those black and white boxes with the squiggly lines? Those are QR codes.”
“Oh! Now, I know what you mean. How do I get one?”
“Tell you what. If you’ll send me the Amazon link for your book, I’ll make one. It’s really simple. Or I could just send you the link.”
Mindy’s voice wavered. “I’ll screw it up. I was afraid I’d blow all of Amazon up when I downloaded, or uploaded, whatever it’s called, my manuscript. I was shaking the whole time.”
“No problem. I’ll do it for you. I’ll also send links to three vendors for your coasters with pricing options, depending on the quantity. Please email your book cover and Amazon link to the email listed on my website. It’s on my Contact Page. Do you have a logo?”
“You’re the best. A logo? No. What would I put on a logo?”
Emma muffled her chuckle. “First things first. Let’s get some swag with your cover, plus a QR code. Just send the info I mentioned. I’ll contact you soon.” Switching ears, Emma added,“I’m going to work on my wedding now. I only have a few hours before I have to pick Lucy up from school.”
“You’re a lifesaver, Emma. I’ll email my cover and Amazon book link now. Thank you so much. I’ll recommend you to my critique group. They’re all working on books.”
“Thank you, but please wait until I get through my wedding, okay?”
Two hours later, Emma’s stomach growled. She stepped up to the counter and ordered an egg salad sandwich, water, and another coffee. She had already created the QR code for Mindy’s book and designed a car coaster using her cover. Before Emma’s food arrived, she emailed both items, including pricing for various quantities, to the author.Now, I can concentrate on our wedding.
While Emma munched on the sandwich, she scrolled with her free hand, staring at bridesmaid dresses of every color imaginable, as well as boundless styles and shapes.Why is this so hard?Laser focused on dresses, Emma noticed the models holding bouquets.We need flowers too. Oh, my God. And music. What else? This is never-ending. I wish we could afford a wedding planner, but we can’t.She put her head in her hands.I need to see Paige soon. She’s always in complete control.Emma texted Paige on the off chance she was available. They agreed to meet to try on bridesmaid dresses while Lucy was in school.