Page 91 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 64

After Suzy, Alex, and Hope ordered drinks and chatted about their day, Alex scanned the crowd at Coconuts. As usual, the bar was filled with the loudmouth unlit cigar chomper who hoped for an audience—any audience—a sixty-something woman clinging to her teens with too-young attire, couples who only had eyes for each other, eager back-pack-wearing college students, and bustling suit-wearing businesspeople. After all these years, she still didn’t know most of their names but recognized nearly every face.

As Alex waved to Gus on the other side of the room, her eyes bulged. Gasping, she said, “Oh, my God. That’s her.”

“Who?” Suzy asked.

Hope swiveled to match Alex’s view.

Alex clenched her teeth and seethed. “That, my friends, is Hannah the Horrible, my bank marketing intern.”

Suzy turned to get a better view. “She’s cute.”

“In a big boobs kind of way.” Hope’s eyebrows shot up. “Um, impressive, I suppose.”

Alex blew out her breath as Gus brought their favorite cocktails. “Apparently I forgot to tell you guys about Hannah’s transformation.” She crossed her arms. “A while back, my intern asked for a few days off to go to the ‘beach’ and returned as Dolly Parton.”

Suzy and Hope both covered their mouths and giggled, likely more from watching Alex squirm, than from the comment or transformation.

Brows knitted and a worry line forming, Alex said, “Coconuts is sacred to us. I never should have told her about this place. Dammit.” Hunkering down in her seat, she said, “I don’t want her to see me.”

Hope eyed the newcomer. “Uh-oh. Looks like she has company.”

Suzy rubbernecked around one of the regulars. “You’re right.” She lowered her voice. “A tall, handsome guy with a super-short haircut just joined her.”

Alex groaned as she took a healthy sip of chardonnay. “I hope it isn’t anyone from work. Shit. It’s probably the cute, new loan officer. Now everyone from the bank will start coming here. That would ruin this place for me.” She rubbed her temples. “I feel a stress headache coming on. I’m afraid to see who it is.”

Gus blocked her vision with a tray full of foamy beers for a group of boisterous golfers. After he chatted the men up for far too long, Alex waved her hand frantically sideways in an effort to get him to move out of the way. Apparently, the server thought she needed service and approached their table, blocking her view yet again. “Another round already, ladies?”

Alex pointed to her half-full wineglass. “No. I wanted you to move.” She motioned with her head and lowered her voice. “Do you know who Hannah is with?”

The server balanced his tray with one hand. “Who’s Hannah?”

Alex rolled her eyes. “Right. The one with the huge breasts.”

Gus cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, Brick House?”

“Huh?” Hope asked.

“The woman’s built like a brick house.” Gus chuckled. “Surely you’ve heard the song.”

Alex crossed her arms. “Not you too. Okay, I’ll take another glass of wine now. Bye, Gus.”

After the server scampered behind the bar, Alex peered over Suzy’s shoulder to study the man with Hannah. When he turned to the side, she gasped.

“What’s wrong?” Suzy asked.

“I think I know him.”

“And . . .?” Hope asked.

Squinting in the dark bar, Alex swiveled to study the couple. When she faced her friends, she said, “I’m not sure and I’ve got to be sure before I say. I’ll go to the restroom to get a closer look.” When she returned, fresh drinks were on their table.

Suzy winked at Alex. “You’re going to love this.”

Alex narrowed her eyes. “What?”

Hope chirped, “Gus said the drinks are compliments of Hannah and her friend.”