Chapter 54
After the eye-opening meeting with the attorney, Jon and Fernando discussed several what-if scenarios. They knew Vanessa was likely in over her head and decided to invite her over for dinner to test her reaction about living together.
As Fernando picked up his cell to dial, Vanessa’s name appeared on the screen.
Yawning into the phone, Vanessa opened with, “That meeting overwhelmed me. I don’t know what to do. Maybe I should call an auctioneer.” She sniffled. “I’m not sure I can live in my parents’ house. It might be too difficult.”
“Let us help you consider your choices. Load Violet up and drive over here.” Fernando glanced at Jon who nodded. “You have our address, right?”
“Yes, I know where you live.” Another yawn. “I napped with the baby. Big decisions like this wear me out. I’d love some help.”
“Good. Dinner’s already started.” Fernando opened a cabinet and reached for the oregano while Jon sliced garlic. “Come hungry, sweetie.”
While they waited for Vanessa, Fernando added parsley and more tomatoes to his spaghetti sauce.
Within minutes, the buzzer rang. Jon pushed a button to open the outer gated door, ran downstairs, and met Vanessa and baby at the door. Reaching for Violet, he kissed her pink cheek. “I’ve missed you.”
Once inside their pristine apartment, Vanessa set her purse on the floor and crossed the taupe and silver living room into the kitchen. “Something smells delicious.”
Fernando pointed toward the huge pot with a flourish. “Thanks. It’s my mom’s special marinara sauce.”
Vanessa stepped toward the big pot and peered inside.
Fernando dipped a spoon in the sauce, blew to cool it, and held the heaping spoonful in mid-air. “Want a taste?”
She took a tentative sip of the hot sauce and licked her lips. “That’s incredible. Thanks for inviting me over.” Glancing around the gleaming kitchen, Vanessa added, “Your apartment is, well, very nice—and clean—but not exactly baby friendly.” She shook her head. “You must think my shabby place is country cluttered.”
Jon handed the baby to Fernando as he took over stirring duties. “Your duplex is great but that’s a nice segue for what we wanted to discuss tonight.” He elbowed his husband. “Right?”
Fernando asked, “So I get the honors? Let’s sit down first.” He led Vanessa to a small retro table for two and added a third chair from a tiny corner desk. As he waited for Vanessa to take a seat, he said, “You know I’m not one to bloviate, so basically, here’s the bottom line. We’ve tried living apart, and as you know, we’ve had a few middle-of-the-night, uh, driving around town incidents to calm Violet, so Jon and I thought—”
Jon blew out his breath and jumped into the conversation. “I know you mentioned possibly calling an auctioneer and selling the house, but we wondered how you’d feel about all four of us living together in your parents’ home.” He studied Vanessa’s freckled face for a reaction. “There it is. I suppose Fernando’s bluntness is wearing off on me.”
Vanessa sat stunned as she studied both men. “I . . . don’t . . . know what to say. I’m not sure if I can handle being there. I’m afraid it would make me sad.” Her face became splotchy as tears trailed down her cheeks. “I mean I’d love to have you nearby to help me raise Violet. I-I’m just not sure.” She stared at the floor. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, especially after how wonderful you’ve both-”
“Shh.” Jon wiped her tears with his thumb and reached for Vanessa’s hand. “Think of it this way, maybe it would make you feel closer to your mom and dad. You could see what you’ve missed while you’ve been estranged.” He paused. “But it’s up to you.”
“Of course it’s up to her.” Fernando spritzed the bottom of a casserole dish with olive oil. “It’s your call, sweetie. We’ll be supportive and involved no matter what you decide.” He began layering the baked spaghetti with noodles, sauce, and mozzarella cheese and placed it in the oven. Crossing the tiny kitchen in three steps, he sat beside Vanessa and stroked her ginger hair. “It’s entirely your decision.” He added, “But we’re exhausted, honey. You must be too.”
Chuckling, Jon said, “Sleep is definitely not overrated. This parenting thing is harder than it looks. We’d ask you to move in with us but our bachelor pad isn’t exactly conducive to babies.”
“Plus, Columns IV doesn’t allow babies.” Fernando kissed Violet’s pudgy, pink arm. “The owners don’t know what they’re missing.”
“Sleep. They’re missing sleep,” Jon said. After Vanessa shot him a look, he added, “But Violet’s totally worth it.”
Vanessa glanced upward as if channeling her parents. After several seconds, she said, “I-I simply don’t know. There are so many decisions. I’m not old enough to make all of these life-changing choices.” Her face crumpled. “You’ve both been beyond supportive.” Her eyes reddened around the edges. “I feel terrible about disappointing you.”
“No worries.” Fernando kissed Vanessa’s cheek. “We knew it was a long shot.”
Vanessa sniffed. “Thank you for understanding.”
Fernando took a green salad out of the refrigerator and reached for a white ceramic pitcher. “Who wants peach tea?” Everyone murmured affirmatively.
“Or red wine,” Jon said.
“That too. Jon, will you wrap the garlic bread in foil and put it in the oven.”
“On it.” Jon hovered in the kitchen near Fernando. Glancing over his shoulder, he said, “Vanessa, don’t give it another thought. We respect your wishes. Besides, I’m starving. Let’s eat.”
“Let me help.” Vanessa held the baby in one arm, fumbled in a drawer for silverware and napkins and set the table in the men’s minimalistic black and white kitchen.
Baby Violet wailed just as the oven timer went off. All three adults groaned. Fernando shrugged. “Nobody said parenthood was easy.”