Page 75 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 53

After a grueling day at Show-Me Bank, Alex couldn’t wait for Happy Hour with her friends. She and Cheri arrived at the same time and saddled up to their familiar high-top table.

Alex said, “Let’s order.”

Cheri placed her designer bag on a hook beneath the table. “Doesn’t anyone bother with greetings anymore?” Hugging her friend, she said, “You sound like my mom earlier.”

Alex scrunched her nose. “Ouch.”

Cheri patted the barstool beside her. “We Skyped earlier. She didn’t say hello either, nor goodbye, for that matter.”

“Oh, then, hi.” Alex straightened the lapel on her turquoise blouse.

“It’s okay. My nerves are on edge.”

“Join the club.” Alex waved Gus over to the table and both women ordered wine. “Let’s ease into the Angry Balls later.”

Soon Hope and Suzy ran inside, plopped on barstools, shared a big group hug, and everyone talked animatedly at the same time.

After giggles and drink orders, Alex turned to Cheri. “So spill. What’s going on with your parents?”

Cheri explained how her mother had begun smoking again, was drinking earlier and earlier in the day, and getting one too many cosmetic surgery procedures.”

Suzy interrupted. “Isn’t that the life of the rich and famous?” After no one said a word, she winced. “Sorry, that was rude.”

“A little tacky.” Alex nudged Suzy. “You’ve been hanging around me for too long.”

Suzy shrugged. “Want my diagnosis?”

Cheri nodded.

“As odd as it sounds, your mom may be bored with her life.”

Hope sipped her margarita, licking off some salt. “I’d love to be bored with world travel and too much money.”

Taking a healthy swallow of her cocktail, Alex said, “I’ll take some tedious shopping trips off your mom’s hands. I have a feeling there’s more, though. You’ve got the floor, Cheri. You can tell us anything.”

“And it’ll stay here,” Hope said.

The New Yorker sighed. “It’s probably nothing.”

“Try us,” Alex probed.

Cheri took a deep breath, leaned forward, and lowered her voice. “According to Mom, Dad stays in his office all day, has even more business meetings and dinners than usual, and now has a newfound obsession with working out.”

After a few nods, frowns, and shared glances, Alex spoke first. “He’s probably having an affair.”

“Oh, my God. That didn’t enter my mind.” Cheri’s eyes widened. “Why would you think that?”

Alex shrugged. “Men who suddenly have the urge to work out like fiends are usually trying to impress a woman.” She paused, “Unless, of course, he’s had a health scare. That’s a possibility, I suppose.”

Cheri’s face fell. “I hate both options.” Her eyes filled with tears. “Gee, I’m so glad I asked you guys—”

Alex sipped her chard. “I should have kept my mouth shut. I’m still in a bitchy mood because of Tony and Nikki. My ridiculous intern is almost a peach compared to my boyfriend’s nasty ex.” Waving Gus over, she said, “Angry Balls all around, Gus. Put the tab on my ticket.”

Cheri raised her hand to obviously object. “I promised to buy.”

“There’ll be another time,” Alex said.