“What do the colors mean?” Cheri asked.
Staring at the orb, Hope said, “Apparently black means depressed, fear or overworked.”
“Oh, God.” Alex chuckled. “Mine would always be black.”
Hope studied the ring. “I think yellow indicates either caution or mellow.”
“Remember the song, ‘Mellow Yellow’?” Suzy leaned forward to get a closer look. “This is interesting, Hope. Maybe I should get a mood ring for my next anxious bride.”
“Now, ‘Mellow Yellow’s’ stuck in my head.” She studied her ring finger. “I noticed it was orange when I drove here, which normally means stressed or nervous, but now the orb is blue, so maybe this thing actually works.”
Crossing her toned legs, Cheri asked, “What does blue indicate?”
Hope fluffed her unruly hair. “Calm and peaceful.”
Alex practically snorted her drink. “Mine would never turn blue. Ever.”
Gus came by, asked if they wanted refills, and peered at Hope’s hand. “What’s so interesting over here?”
Flexing her fingers, Hope said, “Me for a change. I’m the interesting one. Actually, it’s my mood ring.”
“Weren’t those popular in the sixties or seventies?” Gus leaned forward as he balanced a tray of foamy beers.
“Yep. My parents were hippies. Maybe you never knew that.”
“Cool. I’ll be right back with refills, ladies. I’d better deliver these beers before those ball players want to tussle.”
Suzy patted Hope’s hand. “Your ring is still blue. You’re still at peace. Maybe your hippie mom is sending you a sign.”
Hope smiled. “I hope you’re right.”
Suzy glanced at her half-ringing, half-vibrating phone. “It’s Ken. I’ve got to go. I promised to make dinner tonight since we have the evening to ourselves. Jon and Fernando went to dinner with Vanessa and the baby to try and get her mind on something else. Izzy’s with a friend.” She paused. “We’re trying to find our new normal. He’s sending me a gentle reminder with promises of an extended massage afterward.”
“Lucky,” Hope and Alex said in unison.
Alex waved her hand as if she were shooing a fly. “Go. Enjoy your healthy relationship. God knows I wish I had one.” She drained her drink. “Thanks for coming tonight, Suzy Q. I know your life has been turned upside down recently.”
Suzy scooted her chair back. “Yes, it has, but we’ll make it. See you soon, ladies.” She turned to Cheri. “Thanks for the drink. I’m really happy you’re back.”
Alex turned to Cheri. “How’s everything in New York?”
Grinning from ear to ear, Cheri said, “Our catering event for Elton John couldn’t have gone better. He was thrilled with the gala, gave me a huge bonus, and already hired Fifth Avenue Catering for his birthday next year.”
Hope couldn’t stop laughing. “Yeah, that about sums up my life. Hanging with Elton John. I’m sure I’ll see Mariah Carey tomorrow.”
Giggling, Alex said, “She’s right. What the hell do you see in us?”
“This.” Cheri spread her arms. “All of this. I love you girls.”