Chapter 41
Hope entered the teachers’ lounge, grabbed some wretched, mostly cold coffee, and sat next to Willow. The art teacher’s head was down as she sifted through a huge pile of her students’ latest work.
Likely hearing Hope’s footsteps, Willow glanced up and greeted Hope with a smile. Tugging on her gray braid, she said, “Morning. Guess what? My students are thrilled about their senior art project.”
“I knew they would be.” Hope sat down. “You amaze me with your creativity.”
“It was Mac’s idea, remember?” Willow set the paperwork aside and clasped her hands together.
“Will they paint the entire van?” Hope asked as she sipped her coffee.
“Yup.” Willow patted the stack of drawings. “Here are their submissions.” She fanned them out for Hope to admire.
Hope thumbed through pictures of lions, sunglasses, peace signs, daisies, and guitars. “How fun and unique. This will be cool.”
“I’ll be able to drive their art around town.” Willow extended both arms. “What better way to spread joy around Crystal City.”
Hope shook her head in amazement. “Will they be graded?”
“If I can work it into my curriculum, you bet.”
Grinning, Hope said, “And they’ll all get an A, right?”
Willow shrugged. “Unless they don’t show up, paint a solid blob, or stare at their phones the entire time, probably so.”
Hope got another refill of the hideous coffee. As she poured the black tar-like java, she chuckled. “Who makes this nasty stuff? Congrats on the creative project. It’s too bad Britney isn’t a senior. I’ve seen her doodles. She’s very good, to my untrained eye at least.”
Waving a theatrical hand in the air, Willow said, “I’m easygoing. If Britney wants to join in the fun, she’s welcome. But she won’t get graded since I’m not her teacher.”
Hugging her colleague so hard Hope almost sloshed coffee down Willow’s pink and orange paisley blouse. “Oops. I almost drenched you. Thank you. Britney needs something to look forward to. Her home life is terrible.”
“Then by all means, tell her about the project. I’ll let you know the date soon.” Willow gathered her students’ paintings, grabbed a cup of coffee with the other hand, and strode down the hall. Her baggy clothes swished as she walked.
Hope could barely contain her excitement and couldn’t wait to tell Britney about the van painting class. I wonder what she’ll paint.