Chapter 39
After everyone stuffed themselves with the eclectic wedding food, the guys retreated to chairs or the sofa while Suzy and Mama Gia cleaned up the kitchen.
When the food was put away, Mama Gia yawned and asked if she could nap in the guest room. “Sure.” Suzy was secretly thrilled to rock the baby as they waited for Vanessa’s parents. She and Jon exchanged several glances mouthing, “Where are they?”
Vanessa sat in the living room beside a window with a view of the street. Suzy placed Violet Grace in her arms. “I think she’s hungry, hon. I just changed her diaper.”
Swaddled in a pink and white polka dot baby blanket, Vanessa stroked her baby’s red hair as she nursed, while constantly checking the clock and glancing out the window.
“Will music bother you or the baby?” Jon asked.
“No, she has to get used to noise sometime. I can’t walk around my house like a church mouse.” Her face fell. “Speaking of church, I can’t imagine what’s taking them so long.”
Suzy glanced out the window. “Maybe they’re running late, ran out of gas, or had a flat. Who knows?”
Vanessa’s eyes reddened. “I hope they didn’t change their mind.”
“Why would they after sending you flowers and that nice note.” Suzy placed her hand on Vanessa’s shoulder. “You need to eat and keep up your strength. Want me to fix you a plate?”
Shaking her head, Vanessa said, “I’d rather wait for them.”
~ ~ ~
Two hours later, Jon attempted to tamp down his anger at Vanessa’s AWOL parents. Pacing, he turned on the news as he picked at more leftovers. Half eating and half watching TV, he stopped with his fork in mid-air. “Fernando, come here.”
“I’m heating some lasagna in the microwave. Be right there.” When Fernando stepped into the den, he noticed the TV was paused. Jon stared at the screen robotically. “What’s wrong?”
Jon peeked around the wall and waited until Vanessa put the baby in the bassinet before asking, “What kind of car does your parents drive?”
“Last I knew it was a Chevy truck.”
Jon shot a glance toward Fernando whose face was blank. Jon persisted. “What color is their truck?”
“Black. Why?” Vanessa scooted the rocking chair beside the baby.
“Nothing.” Jon reached for Fernando. “Follow me.”
In the kitchen, he told his husband about the news report. Speaking fast and voice lowered, Jon said, “A couple in a black Chevy pickup was killed an hour ago in an automobile accident. Apparently, the truck hit black ice and went airborne. A reporter announced the passengers were killed instantly.”
Cupping his mouth with his hand, Fernando’s face drained of color. “You don’t suppose—”
“It would explain why they’re late.” Jon paced. “But I don’t want to worry her until we know for sure.”
Fernando peeked at a serene, unknowing Vanessa and returned to the kitchen. “No, we can’t say anything until we know for certain. Oh, my God. What if? Do you think the police will tell us their names?”
Running his fingers through his hair while fixated on the television, Jon swallowed hard. “I’m going to tell Mom. She knows someone who dates a cop.”